


The Influence of Marketing Orientation on Germany Higher Education




張源泉(Yuan-Chuan Chang)


德國高等教育 ; 市場導向 ; 高等教育大眾化 ; Germany higher education ; market orientation ; massification of higher education




18卷3期(2010 / 09 / 30)


49 - 89






There had been brilliant achievements in Germany higher education. However, its competitiveness descends because of falling behind the times. Recently, Germany universities undertake the revolution of marketing orientation. To understand process and influence of this revolution, this study firstly discusses the rejection of marketing orientation in Germany universities. Then, this study analyzes the beginning of marketing orientation and the influence of Germany universities.Germany universities could be divided into two different development stages, medieval time universities and modem universities. As the academic institutions, medieval time universities separate from society for protecting its independence. Take the example of Berlin University, Humboldt emphasized that university could not be the vassal of politics and economy and reject marketing orientation. Therefore, Germany universities usually get funds which are irrelevant to administrating performance from the government.In the times of knowledge economy, every country valued contributions of higher education on country competitiveness, they extended universities which towards to massification. However, this leaded to finance deficiency, so they stared to value the marketing orientation of input and output proportion. The societal process of rise of Germany marketing orientation came from rapid extension of higher education. Moreover, the demarcation line of higher education became blurred in every country after Bologna Declaration. They valued administrating performance because of the enlargement of competitive areas and competitive stress. Finally, this study starts from deregulation, relation between evaluation and subsidy, extension of education choice, user charging and recruiting of foreign students to discuss the influence of marketing orientation on Germany universities.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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