


The Transformation of Ideas and Teaching Paradigms in German Universities




張源泉(Yuan-Chuan Chang)


德國高等教育 ; 洪堡理念 ; 波隆納進程 ; 系統理論 ; German higher education ; Humboldt ; Bologna Process ; systems theory




19卷2期(2011 / 06 / 30)


1 - 40






Through an examination of documents and the relevant literature, this study investigates the different ideas and teaching paradigms of the traditional Humboldt educational system in Germany, and changes that have been experienced as a result of the Bologna Process. Firstly, the ideas and teaching paradigms associated with Humboldt and the Bologna Process are discussed. Secondly, criticism of the Bologna Process by scholars who support the approach of Humboldt is presented. Finally, the differences between the two approaches are addressed, which leads to a discussion of a dialectical synthetic. In the ideas of Humboldt, university is absolutely engaged in academic research and the teaching paradigm is associated with the academic development of students. However, as a result of the Bologna Process, the teaching paradigm has shifted to an emphasis on professional abilities and modularization. Thus the focus of university has moved from the views of Humboldt to the approach of Hayek, where the free market and competition are emphasized. As a result, the organization of a university has shifted from promoting a scholarly republic to an academic service enterprise. Drawing on the perspective of Niklas Luhmann's Systems Theory, the final part of the paper explores the idea that the debate between Humboldt and the Bologna Process is the debate between educated citizens of the upper class and those of lower social classes who are upwardly mobile. This can also be viewed as a conflict between those who believe that education is a right of citizenship and the rights of educated citizens. The difference between them should evolve toward a kind of dialectical synthetic-''using academics for education” + ”receiving education for professional purposes” = ”using academic research to promote professional training.”

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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