


The Relationship between Morphological Awareness and Chinese Reading Comprehension in the 3rd and 4th Grade Students in Taiwan




王宣惠(Hsuan-Hui Wang);洪儷瑜(Li-Yu Hung);辜玉旻(Yu-Min Ku)


詞素覺識 ; 閱讀理解 ; 國小學童 ; 中文閱讀 ; morphological awareness ; reading comprehension ; primary students ; Chinese reading




20卷1期(2012 / 03 / 30)


123 - 164




本研究旨在探討詞素覺識與閱讀理解的關係。研究中以大臺北地區共 277名國小三、四年級學童為研究對象,採取相關分析之設計,探討全體學生詞素覺識、詞彙量以及閱讀理解之間的關係。詞彙覺識綜合文獻所涵蓋的成分包括「詞素區辨覺識」、「語意部件覺識」、「釋詞覺識」、「構詞覺識」與「構詞規則覺識」等五類,資料採皮爾森積差相關、淨相關、不同的迴歸分析進行分析與解釋。本研究主要發現詞素覺識對閱讀理解具有獨特預測力,詞素覺識與閱讀理解不僅有顯著相關,且在控制智力與詞彙量因素後,對閱讀理解仍具有獨立的解釋力,五個成分中,以釋詞覺識、構詞覺識、語意部件覺識三變項對閱讀理解有最穩定的預測關係,而以釋詞覺識之預測力最佳,在不同的控制條件下,詞素覺識對閱讀理解之預測解釋量各有不同。本研究並根據研究結果及限制,對詞素覺識之概念與其在未來研究以及教育工作提出相關建議。


The study aims to investigate the relationship between morphological awareness and Chinese reading comprehension. Participants were composed of 277 the 3rd- and 4th- grade students from the primary schools in the northern Taiwan. All the participants were administrated with the Chinese morphological awareness, including the assessment of morpheme discrimination, semantic radical awareness, morpheme interpretation, morpheme construction, and construction rule awareness. The data was analyzed by the Pearson's correlation and multiple regression to investigate the relationship between morphological awareness, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. The major findings indicate that morphological awareness is not only significantly correlated with reading comprehension, but also makes significant unique contribution to reading comprehension even after controlling intelligence and vocabulary. There are three components of morphological awareness to significantly predict reading comprehension: morpheme interpretation, morpheme construction, and semantic radical awareness. The most powerful predictor is morpheme interpretation. While controlling IQ or vocabulary to delete the co-variation of these variables, the contribution of morphological awareness to the reading comprehension slightly varies.According to the findings, recommendations for future studies and pedagogy are made.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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