Purpose This study aims to explore school evaluation use among local educational agencies and the factors affecting it. Design/methodology/approach A qualitative approach was adopted with semi-structured interviews. The interviewees were recruited from three agencies that had continually performed elementary and junior high school evaluations, with an intention to use the evaluations. In total, the interviewees included 23 administrators whose responsibilities were related to evaluation processes and reports within the agency. Findings First, school evaluation findings were used by local educational agencies to understand school development, assist in school improvement, assist in decision making, and convince external agencies to support a particular position. Second, regarding process use, school evaluations were used by local educational agencies to understand school development and opinions about schools, enhance professional learning, and direct school improvement. Third, the factors affecting the use of evaluation findings included follow-up assistance, evaluator credibility, communication of evaluation reports, responsiveness of evaluation reports, attitude toward the use of evaluation findings, and authority and resources. Finally, the factors affecting process use comprised the mechanism of evaluation involvement and attitude toward evaluation involvement. Originality/value Evaluation use is an indispensable part of professional evaluation. Research on evaluation use has seldom been conducted in Taiwan. This study provides empirical evidence that assists in an understanding of evaluation use and provides suggestions for evaluation practice and research.
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