






江守峻(Shou-Chun Chiang);陳婉真(Wan-Chen Chen)


心理資本 ; 教師支持 ; 同儕支持 ; 家庭凝聚力 ; 經濟弱勢 ; 貧窮 ; psychological capital ; teacher support ; peer support ; family cohesion ; economically disadvantaged ; poverty




25卷4期(2017 / 12 / 29)


11 - 50




研究目的本研究旨在探究經濟弱勢青少年的心理資本狀態,以及釐清教師支持、同儕支持與家庭凝聚力對心理資本之影響。此外,本研究亦檢視教師支持、同儕支持、家庭凝聚力對心理資本之影響力是否存在性別上的差異。研究設計/方法/取徑資料來源為家扶基金會提供之台灣貧窮兒少資料庫,研究對象為曾受家扶基金會扶助之經濟弱勢的國中青少年,人數共計1,289人。資料分析採結構方程模式(Structural Equation Model, SEM)檢驗潛在變項之間的因果關係。並且,再以多群組分析發現測量關係的性別差異。研究發現或結論在描述統計發現,經濟弱勢青少年知覺到中高程度的教師支持、同儕支持以及家庭凝聚力,並且擁有中度的心理資本。在SEM結果發現,教師支持、同儕支持與家庭凝聚力皆為正向並顯著地影響心理資本,亦即三者皆可有效提高經濟弱勢青少年的心理資本程度。進一步以多群組分析發現,對提升男性心理資本之影響力依序為教師支持、同儕支持和家庭凝聚力,對提升女性心理資本之影響力則依序為家庭凝聚力、教師支持和同儕支持。另外,家庭凝聚力對心理資本之關係呈現女性顯著地高於男性;同儕支持對心理資本之關係則為男性高於女性。最後,教師支持對心理資本之關係並無性別上的差異。研究原創性/價值擁有良好的心理資本,有助於經濟弱勢青少年維持較佳的心理健康,並增加其在未來邁向成功的可能性。雖然近年來國內已累積部分探討心理資本的相關文獻,但較少探討國中學生的心理資本,或是以經濟弱勢青少年為對象之實徵研究。因此,本研究釐清教師支持、同儕支持、家庭凝聚力確實可以提升經濟弱勢青少年所擁有的心理資本程度,並發現可著重於不同層面,以達到有效地提升經濟弱勢男性與女性青少年的心理資本之目標。


Purpose This study explored the psychological capital (PsyCap) status of economically disadvantaged adolescents and clarify the effects of teacher support, peer support, and family cohesion on PsyCap. Additionally, this study examined gender-based differences in the effects of teacher support, peer support, and family cohesion on PsyCap. Design/methodology/approach The data were retrieved from the Taiwan Database of Children and Youth in Poverty, provided by the Taiwan Fund for Children and Families. Participants were 1,289 junior high school students. Data were analyzed through structural equation modeling (SEM) to examine the causal relationships among the latent variables. Furthermore, the study applied multi-group analysis to reveal the gender-based differences in the estimated relationships. Findings Descriptive statistics indicated that the levels of teacher support, peer support, and family cohesion were medium high and that the level of PsyCap was medium for the economically disadvantaged adolescents. The SEM results indicated that teacher support, peer support, and family cohesion positively and significantly predicted PsyCap; that is, teacher support, peer support, and family cohesion could enhance the PsyCap level of the economically disadvantaged adolescents. Moreover, the multigroup analysis revealed that the factors influencing the PsyCap of boys are, in decreasing order of influence, teacher support, peer support, and family cohesion; for girls, they are, in decreasing order of influence, family cohesion, teacher support, and peer support. Additionally, the relationship between family cohesion and PsyCap is significantly stronger in boys than it is in girls, but the relationship between peer support and PsyCap is stronger in boys than it is in girls. Finally, no difference was observed between the genders in the relationship between teacher support and PsyCap. Originality/value Maintaining high-quality PsyCap supports economically disadvantaged adolescents' mental health and improves their opportunities for success in the future. Although several studies have investigated PsyCap in Taiwan, few have focused on junior high school students or economically disadvantaged adolescents. Therefore, this study explored the effects of teacher support, peer support, and family cohesion on PsyCap among economically disadvantaged adolescents and revealed that different perspectives can be emphasized to effectively and efficiently improve the PsyCap of economically disadvantaged girls and boys.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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