






鍾啟暘(Chi-Yang Chung)


服務學習 ; 都會心靈弱勢 ; 體驗學習 ; 探索教育活動 ; service-learning ; metropolitan emotionally disadvantaged ; experiential learning ; outdoor adventure activities




25卷4期(2017 / 12 / 29)


91 - 126




研究目的為利服務學習理念根植校園,教育部自2007 年起系統性推動大專校院服務學習,包括鼓勵各大專院校成立服務學習推動單位、規劃服務學習課程等,並自2014 年開始,推動大專校院以其辦理服務學習經驗結合服務學習課程的方式,透過客製化方案輔導鄰近高中職及國中小學,期使服務學習能向下紮根。而研究者即自該年度起連續三年參與相關整合型計畫,並擔任子計畫主持人,以「手牽手牽手」為主軸,由大學師資生的「大手」、帶領高中學生的「小手」、一起服務小學生的「小小手」。由於服務對象身處都會區學校,雖擁有較豐富的物質資源,但心靈上卻因為生活步調緊湊缺乏反思、家庭功能失調缺乏關愛、人際關係疏離缺乏安全感等原因,而產生心靈貧乏的現象,是屬於都會心靈弱勢族群。因而期望藉由本研究了解大學生帶領高中生以「探索教育活動」為服務內容,參與之兒童能否彌補心靈上相關之不足;另外也期望了解服務學生在服務過程中是否滿足被服務者的需求,並能透過反思獲得學習與成長。研究設計/方法/取徑本研究以所有參與的高中、小學教師與學生(包含大學、高中、小學)為研究對象,運用個別訪談、焦點團體訪談、活動中參與式觀察、反思心得之文件分析等研究方法蒐集研究資料,試圖了解都會心靈弱勢兒童透過此服務學習計畫之體驗學習後,其在各方面的影響為何,並以紮根理論的方法進行資料分析並形成結論。研究發現或結論研究發現此服務學習計畫透過探索教育活動的實施,對於都會心靈弱勢兒童主要有三個層面的影響,包括對自我的認識、對團隊的認同、以及對生活的體驗。其中對自我的認識涵蓋了「我希望是那樣的人」、「別人是如此看我的」與「原來我是這樣的人」三個部分;而對團隊的認同則包含「有人一起真好」與「我們是一個班」兩個面向;另外對生活的體驗則有「不是只有柴米油鹽」與「原來還有粗茶淡飯」等兩個方面。最後綜合討論上述之影響,並對於相關服務學習計畫的延續及未來研究提供建議。研究原創性/價值本研究首次針對國內之都會心靈弱勢兒童進行研究,透過大學生帶領高中生藉由體驗學習的歷程,使參與之兒童能彌補心靈上相關之不足;另外也了解服務學生在服務過程中,除能滿足被服務者的需求,亦能透過服務學習過程中的反思,達成互惠的結果。


Purpose In an effort to bring the concept of service-learning to school campuses in Taiwan, the Ministry of Education initiated the systematic promotion of service-learning in higher education in 2007. The implementation process included encouraging institutions of higher education to establish their own service-learning centers and to design service-learning courses. In order to introduce servicelearning to younger students, the Ministry of Education requested higher-education institutions in 2014 to use their experience in service-learning to customize programs for nearby high schools, junior high schools, and elementary schools. Since 2014, the present author has participated in these customized programs, specifically as the director of the "Hand-in-Hand-in-Hand" program in which college teacher trainees act as the "big hands" that lead the "small hands" (high-school students), who in turn lead the "tiny hands" (elementary-school children). The "tiny hands" children selected for the program reside in metropolitan areas and have access to a wide range of resources. However, several factors have negatively influenced these children such that they are classified as emotionally disadvantaged. These factors include the following: lack of introspection due to fast-paced lifestyles, lack of care due to dysfunctional family situations, and emotional insecurities arising from the lack of interpersonal relationships. This study is expected to be used to gain an understanding of whether college students can lead high-school students during the implementation of "outdoor adventure activities" as the service content for elementary-school children. The study also seeks to determine whether the participating children can improve related mental health issues as a result of the program, and whether the service students meet the needs of the service, as well as learn and grow through reflection. Design/methodology/approach The participants of this research are the students and teachers of all participating institutions (higher-education institutions, high schools, and elementary schools). Data were collected through oneon- one interviews, focus-group interviews, participant observation, and reflection papers. Grounded theory was used for analysis. Findings This research found three areas of impact: self-awareness, team awareness, and life experience. Self-awareness was further divided into three dimensions: "I want to be that kind of person," "this is how others see me," and "I am actually like this." Team awareness was subdivided into "it is good to be with others" and "we are in the same class" dimensions; life experience was further grouped into "it's not just the ingredients" and "there's also the finished product" dimensions. The author discusses the combined influence of these impacts and makes recommendations for the development of future service-learning programs. Originality/value No other study has allowed college students to lead high-school students in facilitating experiential learning for metropolitan-based elementary-school students with emotional disadvantages in order to examine the latter. Through experiential learning, the emotionally disadvantaged children were able to improve their emotional capacity, while the older students were able to reflect on the personal fulfillment that comes from the giving of oneself through humanitarian work.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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