






胡宜蓁(Meng-Lei, Monica Hu);袁宇熙(Yu-Hsi Yuan)


餐飲業 ; 創業素養 ; 科技導向 ; 實驗教學 ; Food and Beverage Industry ; Entrepreneurial Literacy ; Technology Orientation ; Experimental Teaching




27卷4期(2019 / 12 / 31)


71 - 114




研究目的:近年來,觀光餐旅服務產業產值大幅成長,更朝向創新、創意以及創業的趨勢發展。但餐飲教育內涵尚未有足夠的創業素養元素,如何培養學生具備因應未來觀光餐旅服務產業挑戰的能力,成為重要的探討議題。據此,本研究目的在了解學生經由數位學習平臺接受餐飲創業素養教學後的學習成效,以作為後續實施餐飲創業素養教育模式的參考與建議。研究設計/方法/取徑:本研究採用自編式餐飲創業素養教材,並透過實驗教學進行教育介入研究,以數位學習平臺為媒介,檢驗餐飲創業素養的教學成效。過程採準實驗設計的「不相等對照組前測—後測」,以臺灣北部某科技大學餐飲管理系大二學生共93人為對象,區分為實驗組與對照組,進行為期十二周的實驗教學。過程中,透過自編問卷進行前測與後測的數據蒐集,並以單因子單變量共變異數分析(one-way ANCOVA)進行後測調整後平均數的差異性檢定。研究發現或結論:分析結果支持實驗組的餐飲創業素養後測平均分數顯著高於前測平均分數;而對照組則無顯著差異。另在餐飲創業素養後測平均分數差異,為實驗組顯著高於對照組。進一步以單因子單變量共變數進行調整後平均數分析,同樣為實驗組高於對照組。研究結果支持教學介入成效顯著,對於學生的餐飲創業素養之成長有實質效益,顯示對大學生實施餐飲創業素養教育,對於學生有實質影響力。研究原創性/價值:現階段針對大學生的餐飲創業素養教育較為薄弱,故本研究以學習理論及課程設計理論為基礎,配合創業素養、餐旅未來教育模式等理論,具體發展特製化的餐飲素養評估量表以及自編式餐飲素養教材,再透過數位學習平臺實施嚴謹的實驗教學,以驗證餐飲素養的學習成效。分析結果獲得顯著的支持,表示培養學生的餐飲創業素養能夠有效激發學生的創業潛能,對其職涯發展及觀光餐旅服務產業的人才競爭力有顯著效益。


Purpose: In recent years, the output of the tourism sector of the food and beverage industry has increased considerably, and this sector of the industry is demonstrating development trends in innovativeness, creativity, and entrepreneurship. However, current food and beverage education does not include sufficient components of entrepreneurship literacy. The methods for equipping students with the ability to respond to future challenges in the tourism food and beverage industry have become a critical research topic. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to examine the learning performance of students after receiving entrepreneurship literacy education through a digital learning platform. The results of this study can be used as a reference for developing education models for food and beverage entrepreneurship literacy. Design/methodology/approach: In this research, self-developed food and beverage entrepreneurship literacy education materials were adopted and a teaching intervention was implemented through experimental teaching. By employing a digital learning platform as the learning medium, this study examined the effects of teaching food and beverage entrepreneurship literacy. In addition, a nonequivalent control group pretest-post-test approach was applied as part of the quasi-experimental design. A total of 93 students from the Food and Beverage Department of a university of science and technology were assigned to an experimental group or a control group. The students were asked to participate in a 12-week experimental teaching program. Data were collected through a pretest and post-test with self-developed questionnaires. Furthermore, one-way ANCOVA was used to test the difference between the post-test adjusted means. Findings: The analytical results revealed that the mean score of the posttest for food and beverage entrepreneurship literacy was significantly higher than the mean pretest score. By contrast, the mean score difference in the control group was not significant. The post-test mean score of food and beverage entrepreneurship literacy for the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group. One-way ANCOVA was used to analyze the adjusted means, and the results indicated that the adjusted mean score of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group. The research results support the significant effect of the teaching intervention and its demonstrable benefit to students' food and beverage entrepreneurship literacy. The results also indicate that the implementation of entrepreneurship literacy education has an observable effect on university students. Originality/value: At present, the food and beverage entrepreneurship literacy education of university students is lacking. Therefore, this study adopted learning and curriculum design theories and integrated future education models of entrepreneurship literacy and hospitality to develop teaching materials and a customized evaluation scale for food and beverage knowledge. Moreover, by using a digital learning platform, this study implemented rigorous experimental teaching to test the learning effects of food and beverage literacy. The analytical results indicate that students' food and beverage entrepreneurship literacy can effectively stimulate their entrepreneurial potential and considerably benefits their career development and competitiveness in the tourism and hospitality industry.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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