Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine the requirements of Administrative Due Process in the Teachers' Recruitment Selection in the context of current controversial cases of teacher selection in public elementary and secondary school. Design/methodology/approach: Taking law hermeneutics and documents analysis as the research methods, some shortcomings of Teachers' Recruitment of the Public Elementary and Secondary School are examined comprehensively from organizational and procedural protection perspective. Findings/results: Overall, the research findings of this study are as follows: first, this paper establishes that the selection of teachers in public elementary and secondary school is subject to Administrative Due Process based on its public nature; second, this paper concludes that the operation of the teacher selection organization in the case at issue still meets the requirements of the Administrative Due Process for the organization to be lawful; finally, this paper finds that the administrative procedures in the teacher selection case at issue are hardly consistent with the requirements of the Administrative Due Process, and it is urgent for the competent authorities to strengthen the supervision of lawfulness in order to effectively eliminate the controversy. Originality/value: First, in terms of originality, this paper focuses on the public nature of teacher selection in public elementary and secondary schools, in addition to the traditional research viewpoint of proper administrative procedures, in order to highlight the often neglected issues of organization and procedural safeguards in the teacher selection process. Second, in terms of practical application value, it can play a role in eliminating the current controversies over teacher selection in public elementary and secondary schools, which is of great practical application value. Suggestions/implications: This paper argues that, in terms of future legislative amendments, it is recommended that the selection system for public elementary and secondary school teachers should be handled jointly by local governments as a matter of principle, with the exception of schools that have reported and agreed to do so on their own. In addition, the local governments should strengthen the supervision of legality in order to eliminate the shortcomings.
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