






Sheng-Ju Chan(詹盛如);Cheng-Cheng Yang(楊正誠)


internationalization ; teacher education ; policy enactment ; multiple contexts ; 國際化 ; 師資培育 ; 政策啟動 ; 多元脈絡




32卷3期(2024 / 09 / 30)


5 - 33




Purpose: By adopting policy enactment perspective proposed by Stephen Ball as the main conceptual framework, this paper investigates how internationalization of teacher education (ITE) has been materialised at the institutional level. Design/methodology/approach: This study conducted in-depth interviews with seven heads of teacher education programs (TEPs) to understand how contextual factors influence the implementation of ITE in Taiwan. The seven program heads have sufficient teaching and administrative experiences in TEPs. Based upon these interview results, major concerns revolved around the notions and necessity of ITE, the visions and competencies for future teachers, curriculum and learning opportunities for student teachers, and how ITE is materialised at TEPs. Findings/results: Despite keeping in line with the vision of cosmopolitan teachers, the actualization of ITE policies are considerably conditioned by the multiple contexts. Our findings suggest that ambitious policy expectations are not fully supported by the external and material contexts. Furthermore, professional capacity within the university is not so favourable for greater ITE. The notions of a cosmopolitan teacher might also be side-lined by the English regime and nationalism characterized by the Taiwanese system. Originality/value: Despite the increasing internationalization of education over the past two decades, teacher education has only gradually moved into this terrain. Limited empirical investigations have explored how teacher education policies and practices are implemented at the institutional level. In order to become more immersed in the global order and values, Taiwan has been keen to promote international perspectives and outlooks for younger generations. In such a context, it is very valuable to examine ITE in Taiwan. Suggestions/implications: As the policy enactment perspective has indicated, multiple contexts have direct effects upon how policies are translated into the institutional practices. The mega configuration (e.g., teacher qualification exam) and local nuance issues (e.g., student intake) have significant implications for greater ITE at the institutional level. In terms of the theoretical dimension, the policy enactment perspective also brings meaningful dialogue to pedagogy. Future teachers need to be nurtured in the context of the globalized world. The five types of knowledge proposed are highly related to the cultivation of future teachers. The contextual realities lead to tensions and struggles over how the cosmopolitan teacher is nurtured at the institutional level. These contextual effects have direct impacts upon the knowledge and skills delivered for each TEP.


研究目的:本研究採取由Stephen Ball發展之政策啟動觀點作為主要的研究架構,探究師資培育的國際化如何在機構層次進行實際上的落實。研究設計/方法/取徑:本研究採取深度訪談作為研究方法,訪談了七位師資培育學程的主任,去理解脈絡因素如何去影響師資培育國際化在臺灣的落實。七位師資培育學程的主任均具有充份的教學與行政經驗。根據訪談的結果,主要的考量在於師資培育國際化的基本假設與必要性,未來教師的視野與能力,師資生的課程與學習機會,以及師資培育國際化在師資培育學程如何受到落實。研究發現或結論:師資培育國際化除了要能與全球教師圖像的視野同步化之外,師資培育國際化相關政策的實現需要審慎考量多元脈絡的影響與調節效果。本研究的發現建議相關具有高度理想的政策期望並無法受到臺灣的外部脈絡與物質脈絡充分的支持。此外,大學的專業能量並未能充分的支持鉅觀的師資培育國際化的需求。全球教師圖像的基本假定,也受到臺灣系統性的國家主義和英語化的負向的影響。研究原創性/價值:儘管過去二十年間的教育國際化趨勢明顯上升,師資培育較為緩慢的跟上教育國際化的趨勢。目前缺乏相關實證研究深入探究師資培育國際化的政策與實踐在機構層級如何落實。為了要能與全球同步發展,臺灣十分積極的推展青年世代的國際觀點與展望,因此探究臺灣師資培育國際化的研究具有高度價值。教育政策建議或實務意涵:誠如政策啟動觀點所揭示的,多元脈絡對於政策轉化於機構的實踐有直接的影響。臺灣的鉅觀制度(例如:教師檢定考試)以及在地因素(例如:招收師培生)對於師資培育國際化在機構層面的發展有顯著的影響與啟示。在理論層次,政策啟動觀點帶來教學論上具有意義的對話。未來教師需要在全球化的世界中接受培育。知識的五種形式,對於培育未來教師具有高度的重要性。脈絡的現實則闡釋了機構層級的全球教師圖像所受到的張力與困境。國際化的知識與技能能否有效傳遞給師資培育學程受到脈絡因素顯著的影響。

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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