






李郁緻(Yu-Chih Li);(Jack Tsao);(Suraiya Abdul Hameed)


國際文憑學校 ; 國際文憑 ; 國際學校 ; 國際教育 ; IB school ; International Baccalaureate ; international school ; international education




32卷3期(2024 / 09 / 30)


101 - 133






Purpose: The growth of international schools reflects the current trend of globalization in education. The expansion of International Baccalaureate (IB) programs plays a key role in this process. With the recent growth of IB schools in Asia, investigating how these schools respond to this trend is imperative. Accordingly, this study explored the enactment and practice of international education in current vernacular globalization, focusing on IB schools in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Design/methodology/approach: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with school leaders, section chiefs, coordinators, and teachers. In addition, relevant curricular documents were obtained. Interview data and documents from 16 IB schools in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan were analyzed. This study probes into the contexts of schools, such as teacher and student demographics, language use, curriculum and instruction, marketing and positioning strategies, and cosmopolitanisms. Findings/results: The study discussed how current internationalization on school level is represented in IB schools in Taiwan, Hong Kong in the contemporary globalization. IB schools nowadays not only have to construct their internationalities, but also have to continuing adjust their teacher recruitment, curricular and instructional design, and students' learning. In order to enact IB programs into local contexts, schools develop strategies such as offering bridging courses and negotiating language policies. Originality/value: This study expands the body of literature on international education, particularly on how individual schools implement international education policies and how these policies transform their education systems. By adopting a cross-national perspective, the present study offers valuable insights into the practice of international education from the perspective of individual schools. Implications for policy/practice: International education in schooling has become a pivotal policy focus in Taiwan. This study improves the understanding of the opportunities and challenges faced by IB schools and the broader field of international education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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