


The Effects of Blocked and Serial Practice Schedules and Skill Level on the Learning of Pool Skill-Testing Hypothesis of Contextual Interference




林星帆(Hsing-Fen Lin);劉淑燕(Su-Yen Liu)


情境干擾 ; 練習安排 ; 段落練習 ; 串聯練習 ; 動作學習 ; contextual interference ; practice schedule ; blocked practice ; serial practice ; motor learning




7期(2005 / 11 / 01)


37 - 52






Contextual interference predicts that practices under high contextual interference facilitate long-term motor learning but restrain short-term motor performance. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of practice scheduling and skill levels on parameter learning of pool ball handling. Twenty undergraduates (mean age=20.4 ± 1.7 yrs) were divided into skilled and unskilled groups according to a skill test. Each of the group was randomly assigned to blocked or serial groups. Subjects practiced three shots with different distances on the table and preceded 36 trials during acquisition and then followed the immediate and delayed retention tests with nine trials respectively. Levels of skill and practice schedules were adopted as independent variables, while dependent variables were absolute error (AE) which represents accuracy and variable error (VE) which represents stability. Two way ANOVA was utilized for statistically analyses and the results are listed as follows: (1) There was no main effect of practice schedules indicating no statistically significant differences on both AE and VE between skilled-blocked and skilled-serial at the immediate and delayed retention, and (2) There was no main effect of skill levels indicating no statistically significant differences on both AE and VE between unskilled-blocked and unskilled-serial at the immediate and delayed retention, neither. (3) The skilled group performed better than the unskilled group on both AE and VE at the immediate and delayed retention. (4) There was no interaction of the two variables.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 體育學
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