


Development of Competitive Mental State Scale




陳音容(Ying-Jung Chen);柯天路(Tian-Lu Ke);洪聰敏(Tsung-Min Hung)


競賽心理狀態量表 ; 運動表現 ; Competitive Mental State Scale ; sport performance




9期(2006 / 11 / 01)


19 - 39




本研究的目的為編製競賽心理狀態量表。編製過程分為四個階段:(1)依據文獻編製預試量表,以139名北部某體育學院運動員為研究對象,利用內部一致性與探索性因素分析進行預試量表的信、效度考驗。(2)以第一階段分析後所得之量表為研究工具,國內大專院校之運動員共212人為研究對象,於實際競賽後填寫量表,利用內部一致性與探索性因素分析進行量表的信、效度考驗,並建立本研究之假設模式。(3)以國內大專院校之運動員共222人為研究對象,利用驗證性因素分析考驗量表之假設性測量模式。(4)以多元逐步迴歸評估競賽心理狀態量表對於開放性與閉鎖性運動競賽表現之預測力。發現結果如下: 一、競賽心理狀態量表包括「放鬆」、「專注」、「求勝慾」、「自信」、「享受壓力」等五個分量表,共22道題目,各因素的內部一致性Cronbach α係數介於.82-.89之間,累積解釋總變異量為68.77%,顯示本量表具有可接受之信效度,此因素效度並經驗證性因素分析確認。 二、競賽心理狀態量表對於運動表現具有預測效度,「享受壓力」可預測閉鎖性運動11.0%之表現滿意度,而對於開放性運動而言,競賽心理狀態量表的「放鬆」及「專注」可預測17.0%之表現滿意度。


Taipei Physical Education College The purpose of this study was to develop the Competitive Mental State Scale (CMSS). The developmental processes involved four phases. First phase was to develop a preliminary scale based on literature review and other related mental scales. One hundred thirty-nine athletes from a PE college in northern Taiwan were recruited to complete the preliminary scale. Exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach alpha were utilized to examine the factor validity and reliability of this scale. Second phase involved 212 athletes to complete the scale from the result of phase one after taking part in competition. Another exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach alpha were utilized to further examine the factor validity and reliability, which established the hypothetical measurement model. Third phase the scale was administered to 222 athletes and the confirmatory factor analysis was used to examine the goodness-of-fit of the hypothetical measurement model. Fourth phase stepwise multiple regressions were used to measure the predictive validity of the CMSS for sport performance. The results of this study indicated that: 1. The final vision of CMSS contains 22 items with five sub-scales: Relax, Concentration, Desire for winning, Confidence, and Stress enjoyment. The Cronbach α coefficients ranged from .82-.92, and cumulative variance was 68.77%. Results of EFA revealed acceptable reliability and factor validity. The factor validity was further confirmed by subsequent CFA. 2. Stepwise multiple regressions demonstrated predictive validity of CMSS for sport performance. Specifically, ”Stress enjoyment” could be used to predict the sport performance satisfaction for closed-skill sport, accounted for 11.0% of variance. ”Relax” and ”Concentration” could be used to predict the sport performance satisfaction for open-skill sport, cumulatively accounted for 17.0% of variance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 體育學
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