The main idea of the research is to take the ”real sport” as the measure to figure out the different reaction time (RT) and movement time (MT) of returning serve for the table tennis player while using sensory set or motor set to catch the serving ball from left side or right side. Do the ”pilot study” first to select a ball server of the ”practical research”. The participants of the ”practical research” are 30 male physical education major students of National PingTung University of Education who are practicing and studying the table tennis. The right-handed participants will repeatedly accept trials of the RT and MT under response sets and stimulus-response compatibility, including: 2 (response sets: sensory set or motor set) x 2 (stimulus-response compatibility: ball serving directions (right or left)) x 5 (the presenting times under response sets and stimulus-response compatibility)=20. After the statistics of the study is obtained, two-way ANOVA repeated measures will be examined. After discussing the outcomes of the study, the conclusions are as follow: 1. The interaction does exist between the influence of response sets and stimulus-response compatibility on the RT. In the circumstance of ball serving directions (right and left), the RT of the participants using sensory set to catch the ball is faster than the RT of the ones using motor set. In the circumstance of sensory set and motor set, the RT of the participants dealing with the ball coming from the right side is faster than the RT of the ones dealing with the ball coming from the left side. 2. The interaction doesn't exist between the influence of response sets and stimulus-response compatibility on the MT. When the participants are dealing with the ball coming from left side and right side, the MT of the participants using motor set to catch the ball is faster than the MT of the ones using sensory set. No matter which way the participants choose to catch the ball (sensory set or motor set), there is no difference between the MT of the participants dealing with the ball coming from the right side and the MT of the ones dealing with the ball coming from the left side.
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