


The Influence of Mediating Effects of Cognitive Appraisal on Social Support and Perceived Competence in Coping Strategies for Competition Stress




賴文璇(Wen-Shyuan Lai);黃英哲(Ying-Je Huang)


壓力因應執行模式 ; 控制感 ; 結構方程模式 ; standard model of stress process ; appraisal of control ; structural equation modeling




12期(2008 / 05 / 01)


1 - 24




目的:本研究以Lazarus與Folkman(1984)的壓力因應執行模式為基礎探討認知評估之中介效應在社會支持與能力知覺對競賽壓力因應策略的影響。方法:研究參與者為九十六年全國中等學校運動會高中組之男、女足球和手球員,總人數359人,其中男選手243名、女選手116名,平均年齡16.82±.92歲。研究工具包括「社會支持量表」、「能力知覺量表」、「認知評估量表」及「競賽壓力因應策略量表」。結果:資料蒐集完成後,以簡單相關及結構方程模式(SEM) 進行統計分析,研究結果如下:一、正向初級評估(挑戰評估)對社會支持與次級評估具有完全中介之效果;負向初級評估(傷害評估與威脅評估)對能力知覺與次級評估具有完全中介之效果。二、正向初級評估(挑戰評估)透過次級評估的部分中介,影響問題焦點因應(主動積極策略和專注策略)與情緒焦點因應(尋求社會支持策略和強調光明面策略)。三、本研究所建構的競賽壓力因應歷程模式二可用來解釋中學運動員的觀察資料。結論:本研究根據理論架構與上述的結果進行討論,並針對實際應用和未來研究方向提出一些具體的建議。


Purpose: This study used the framework of Lzazrus and Folkman's (1984) standard model of stress process to examine the influences of social support and perceived competence to coping strategies by cognitive appraisal's mediating effect. Methods: Participants were 359 soccer and handball players (males=243, females=116) aged 16.82±.92 years from high school varsity athletes. Instruments used to collect data were <||>Social support Scales<||>, <||>Perception of Competence Scales<||>, <||>Cognitive Appraisal Scales<||> and <||>competitions stress of coping strategies<||>. Results: Data obtained in this study were analyzed by correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and the major findings were as follows: 1.Positive primary appraisal (challenge appraisal) was mediator of social support and secondary appraisal. Negative primary appraisals (harm appraisal and threat appraisal) were mediators of perceived competence and secondary appraisal. 2. Positive primary appraisal (challenge appraisal) impacted on problem-focused coping strategies (active strategies and absorption strategies) and emotion-focused coping strategies (social support strategies and bright strategies) through the secondary appraisal of partial mediating effect. 3. The stress and coping theory model of this study could explain observation of high school athletes. Conclusion: Discussions are provided in term of the findings and theoretical framework. Practical implication and future research directions are also recommended.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 體育學
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