


The Relationships among Media Broadcasting Effect, Body Image, and Exercise Behavior




王正松(Cheng-Sung Wang);王建興(Chien-Hsin Wang)


內化 ; 社會比較理論 ; 社會學習理論 ; internalization ; social comparison theory ; social learning theory




17期(2010 / 11 / 01)


31 - 47






Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine a hypothesized model of the latent relationships among media broadcasting effect, body image, and exercise behavior. Methods: The participants consisted of 636 female students (mean age=20.11 years old, SD=1.54) from three domestic universities. The research instruments included ”media exposure scale”, ”body image inventory”, and ”exercise behavior scale”. Results: Using Structural Equation Modeling to analyze the data, the results revealed that: (1) the hypothesized model fit the data appropriately (χ^2/df=2.05, RMSEA=.04, NFI=.97, CFI=.99, SRMR=.02); (2) media broadcasting effect was found to be negatively predicted body image; (3) body image was found to be negatively predicted exercise behavior; (4) media broadcasting effect was not significantly related to exercise behavior. Conclusion: Based on the results above, the researchers suggested physical education teachers and school psychologists open suitable and diverse weight-control courses as well as provide sport-oriented extracurricular activities so as to enhance students' knowledge about body image and promote the benefits of regular exercise in an effort to correct the concept of body shape disturbance conveyed by the mass media. Recommendations for future research were further provided in the discussion.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 體育學
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