


Mu Rhythm Plays a Role in Exploring the Mirroring Nervous System during Sport Imagery




陳泰廷(Tai-Ting Chen);蔡侑蓉(Yu-Jung Tsai);王國鑌(Kuo-Pin Wang)


意象訓練 ; 神經網絡 ; 動作系統 ; imagery training ; neural network ; motor system




15卷1期(2015 / 05 / 01)


95 - 112






Imagery training through first-person perspective and third-person perspective is often used to rehearsal skills and tactics to enhance athletic performance in the athletic field. This stored-show mechanism looks like the observation-execution mapping model of mirror neurons. Mirror neuron activates while motor Observation, image and execution, and produces imitation learning by actions intention and understanding of the context, and develops the ability of theory of mind, which can be observed on Mu rhythm desynchronisation. Mu rhythm, 8-13 Hz, is associated with motor learning process. The more Mu rhythm desynchronizes, the more mirror neurons involved, the better learning results. Mu rhythm desynchronisation is more sensitive to action execution, goal-directed actions, understanding the actions intentions, individual past experience or social context. Motor image activates brain regions are similar to the mirror neurons whether in motor rehearsal or in context simulation. Past studies have confirmed that imagery training could stimulate athletic performances, but seldom explain promoting effect of sports performance from mirror neuron perspective. This study attempted to utilize Mu rhythms to explore linking function the mirror neurons in the neural network and to get a whole picture how it works, and offered theoretical and practical recommendation in future researches.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 體育學
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