


Relationships among weight difference, body image concern and self-esteem: The moderation of gender and physical education types




陳美華(Mei-Hwa Chen)


客觀理論 ; 自我覺察 ; 身體聚焦 ; objectification theory ; self-awareness ; body-focus




16卷2期(2016 / 11 / 01)


1 - 20






Purpose: This study examined gender and physical education types (PE type, included aesthetic and non-aesthetic sport) differences on weight difference, body image concern and self-esteem and their moderate effects between variables relationship. Method: Participants were 404 students (Mean age=20.25±1.07, 175 males, 229 females) who enrolled in physical education classes from 4 universities in Taiwan. There were 159 students enrolled in aesthetic physical education classes and 245 students enrolled in non-aesthetic. Participants were asked to complete questionnaires that assess body image concern, self-esteem, current weight and ideal weight. Results: Females had higher scores on body image concern, the weight discrepancy (current weight minus ideal weight), dissatisfaction about appearance, flaw camouflaging, and social avoidance than males. The students enrolled in aesthetic physical education classes had higher score on dissatisfaction about appearance than enrolled in non-aesthetic physical education classes. There was significance in gender and PE type interaction effect on flaw camouflaging. Both gender with weight difference interaction and PE type with flaw camouflaging significantly predicted self-esteem. Conclusion: Females and the students enrolled in aesthetic physical education classes have higher body image concern than other students. Gender moderates the relationship between weight difference and self-esteem, and PE type moderates the relationship between flaw camouflaging and self-esteem.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 體育學
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