


Development of the Chinese Coach-Athlete Relationship Inventory




陳益祥(Yi-Hsiang Chen)


心理計量 ; 本土化 ; 文化差異 ; 領導 ; psychological metrics ; localization ; cultural differences ; leadership




17卷1期(2017 / 05 / 01)


39 - 57




目的:本研究目的為編製具有信度與效度的華人教練-選手關係量表。方法:第一階段以陳益祥 (2012) 的質性研究結果為基礎,發展出華人教練-選手關係之題項初稿,以高中及大專甲組運動代表隊選手為施測對象,蒐集的資料以探索性因素分析處理量表的因素結構、題目鑑別度與內部一致性。第二階段再以不同樣本利用驗證性因素分析進行量表的信度及效度檢驗。結果:華人教練-選手關係量表共有三個因素,分別是自發性感情6 題、工具性關係5 題、人情4 題,共計15 題,累積解釋變異量為69.16%,並具有不錯的內部一致性。在測量模式與觀察資料之間適配度時顯示可接受的整體適配度、及良好的構念效度、聚斂效度、區別效度及信度。結論:經過檢驗之後,華人教練-選手關係量表是在測量本土教練-選手關係時一個值得利用的工具。


Purpose: This study was to develop and validate a self-report instrument that measures the nature of Chinese coach-athlete relationship. Method: The first stage was to develop inventory items based on the qualitative research on Chinese coach-athlete relationship (Chen, 2012). Athletes from high school and collegiate team Division I were participated. The collected data was analyzed with the exploratory factory analysis to test the factorial structure, item discrimination, and internal consistency of the inventory. Further, the second stage used different participants to test the reliability and validity of the inventory by conducting the confirmatory factor analysis. Results: The results showed a three-factor Chinese Coach-Athlete Inventory with 15 items, named spontaneous emotion, instrumental quanxi, and proper zen-ching. These three factors could account for 69.16% of total explained variance, and the coefficients of internal reliability for the three subscales ranged from .86 to .90. Meanwhile, the index of overall model was found to be good overall fit, included construct reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity. Conclusion: The findings indicate that the Chinese Coach-Athlete Inventory can be a useful instrument for measuring the coach-athlete relationship within the Chinese context.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 體育學
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