


Developing and applying the d2-test principles to the Tien-Character Attention Test: Testing the effect of elementary school gymnastics




林秀怡(Shiu-Yi Lin);賴世烱(Shih-Chiung Lai)


選擇性注意力 ; 急性運動 ; 身體活動 ; selective attention ; acute exercise ; physical activity




17卷1期(2017 / 05 / 01)


59 - 75+i-ii




目的:本研究參考d2-test 原則而發展中文化之田字注意力測驗,探討國小新式健身操對國小一年級學童注意力之影響。方法:將國小一年級學童分為新式健身操組與控制組,每組58 人,共116 人。於第一、二週各選一次靜態課程後進行「田字注意力測驗」前測,第三、四週各選一次體育課,實驗組進行6 分鐘的新式健身操活動,控制組進行6 分鐘的靜態活動,每次活動結束後立即進行後測。結果:以獨立樣本t 檢定比較實驗組與控制組的前測注意力分數,發現不具同質性,故將前測分數視為一個共變項,以獨立樣本單因子單共變量共變數分析後發現二組後測分數無顯著差異。結論:運用d2-test 原則所發展之田字注意力測驗有檢驗一年級學童選擇性注意力的應用價值;急性之單次運動在提升一年級學童注意力的效果方面,與靜態課程之效果相去無幾。


Purpose: The researcher-designed Tien-Character Attention Test that applying the d2-test principles was used to investigate the effect of the elementary school gymnastics on the attention of the 1st- grade elementary school students. Method: One hundred and sixteen 1st-grade elementary school students were randomly divided into the acute exercise (experimental) group, and non-exercise (control) group. In weeks 1 and 2 (pre-test), the Tien-Character Attention Test was applied after a regular school lesson. In weeks 3 and 4 (post-test), the same test was applied after 6-minutes gymnastics and inactive activities, respectively. Results: Since the pre-test scores of experimental group were significantly higher than that of control group via the independent groups t-test (p < .05), one-way ANCOVA with the pre-test score as a covariant was performed to compare the adjusted means of the post-test scores between groups. It showed no differences in the post-test measures (p > .05). Conclusion: The Tien-Character Attention Test was useful to measure the selective attention; however, the attention level of the acute exercise group was similar with that of the non- exercise group.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 體育學
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