


Application of frontal midline theta in sport and exercise settings: Perspectives of attention and anxiety




陳豪(Hao Chen);陳泰廷(Tai-Ting Chen);劉宏祐(Hong-Yu Liu);盧俊宏(Frank Jing-Horng Lu)


注意力偏誤 ; 神經心理機制 ; 最佳表現 ; attention bias ; neuropsychological mechanism ; peak performance




17卷1期(2017 / 05 / 01)


91 - 109




運動員的焦慮情緒與注意力對場上表現影響甚鉅。過去針對焦慮與注意力測量大都以問卷與量表為主,大腦認知神經科學發現額葉中線theta 腦波 (frontal midline theta, FMT) 與注意力和焦慮情緒有關。本綜評文章目的為統整額葉中線theta 腦波在注意力以及焦慮之相關研究,並且提供此二者之大腦神經生理機制,以瞭解運動員顛峰表現與注意力和焦慮的關係。經過文獻統整後獲致下列結果:FMT 是一個與注意力涉入有關的腦波指標,與精準項目運動員 (高爾夫、籃球罰球) 的好壞表現有密切關係。對於偵測焦慮具有不錯的專一性以及敏感度,尤其是較低的FMT 可能代表生理疲勞、表現低潮以及心理疲勞以致於焦慮,兩者呈現反向關係。其次,FMT 與注意力及焦慮之間的關係複雜,兩者產生FMT的位置都位於大腦前額葉,當中其實又牽涉到情緒調節與視覺空間記憶之影響。未來研究宜針對過去在方法學上的限制進行調整,且搭配其它測量問卷量表與生物回饋儀器的結合使用,以更完整地檢驗注意力以及焦慮對於運動表現的影響。


Anxiety and Attention influence athletic performance greatly. To investigate this issue researchers mainly rely on pen-and-pencil questionnaires/scales/inventories in the past research. Today, because the technical development of brain images in neuroscience it is found that frontal midline theta (FMT) is a better index not only for measuring attention but also for assessing anxiety. The purpose of the present review was to integrate related research on attention and anxiety by assessing FMT in order to understand the underlying neuropsychological mechanism and its influence on athletic performance. It was found that: 1) FMT is a good index in assessing attention and anxiety; it is significantly related to the best and worst performance for accuracy sports (e.g., golf putting and basketball free throw) and very sensitive in detecting anxiety; specifically low FMT revealed physiological fatigue, slump, and psychological fatigue which leads to anxiety. 2) There is a complex relationship between anxiety and attention in terms of brain’s neurophysiological mechanism because both are measured by prefrontal cortex but the location is still different. Their interactions involve emotional regulation, a visual/spatial memory which derived from selective top-down attention process. Finally, we suggested that future studies should focus on several methodological flaws on previous works to improve measurement Also, by combining other assessment tools we can assess attention and anxiety in order to accurately assessing attention and anxiety, and their influences on athletic performance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 體育學
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