


The Influence of moral identity and charity motives on charity sport event participation




邵于玲(Yu-Lin Jackie Shao);郭姿吟(Tzu-Yin Kuo)


道德行為 ; 賽會滿意度 ; 公益動機 ; moral behavior ; event satisfaction ; charity motives




18卷1期(2018 / 05 / 01)


1 - 20




參與公益運動賽會是自發性的道德行為,參與意願應與個人道德認同強度有關,既然此類賽會結合了慈善及運動元素,除了運動休閒動機外,慈善動機亦有可能驅動個人參與。目的:本研究旨在探討道德認同及慈善動機如何影響公益運動賽會參與意願。方法:2016 Wings for Life全球路跑賽後,隨機邀請完賽者填答問卷,包含道德認同、慈善動機、再參賽意願、賽會滿意度等,回收有效問卷共407份,120位為男性,284位為女性,3位未填答性別題;平均年齡為32.8歲。結果:參賽者道德認同強度對再參賽意願有正向顯著影響,主要因為希望透過參與此賽會來幫助他人。互惠及改善公益動機對再參賽意願的影響力則會隨滿意度高低情況而有改變。結論:本研究導入道德認同及慈善動機來討論公益運動賽會參與行為,發現道德認同能透過不同慈善動機對參賽意願產生影響,這些結果為賽會研究及公益運動賽會經營提供新的思考方向。


Participating in charity sport events is a self-directed moral behavior. Such participation should be driven by one's moral identity as well as affected by charity motives. Purpose: This research aims to uncover how moral identity and charity motives determine people's charity sport event participation. Method: Questionnaires, including items on moral identity, charity motives, re-participation intention and event satisfaction, were randomly distributed to the 2016 Wings for Life World Run (Taiwan) finishers. A total of 407 usable responses (mean age = 32.8 years) were collected, with 120 males, 284 females, and 3 genders unknown. Results: The results revealed that respondents with higher moral identity would show a stronger intention to participate in the next Wings for Life World Run because they wanted to "help others" through their participation. Moreover, the influence of "reciprocity" and "improving the charity" motives on re-participation intention was subject to event satisfaction. Conclusion: This research established that moral identity encouraged charity sport event participation through various charity motives, offering new perspectives for sport event research and practical insights for charity sports event organizers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 體育學
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