


Relationships among dispositional mindfulness, mental skills and mental toughness in archers




吳聰義(Tsung-Yi Wu);吳治翰(Chih-Han Wu);粘瑞狄(Jui-Ti Nien);張怡潔(Yi-Chieh Chang);張育愷(Yu-Kai Chang)


準確性運動 ; 心理素質 ; 心理技能訓練 ; precise sports ; psychological characteristics ; psychological skills training




18卷1期(2018 / 05 / 01)


43 - 57






Purpose: This study examined the associations of different dispositional mindfulness with mental skills and mental toughness in archers. Method: One-hundred and one collegiate archers (66 males, 35 females) were recruited as participants. According to the assessment of the Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale, the participants were divided into four levels of dispositional mindfulness. Further analyses were conducted to explore the differences in athletic psychological skills and mental toughness between different levels of dispositional mindfulness. Results: The mindfulness exhibited positive correlations with two domains of mental toughness and concentration skills. Besides, individuals who had a higher level of dispositional mindfulness exhibited better capacities of coping with adversity, concentration, confidence, as well as self-effort and anti-pressure. Conclusion: The findings suggest that there is a positive relation between dispositional mindfulness and sport-related mental states. In the future, perhaps these outcomes can encourage coaches to incorporate mindfulness into daily training for optimizing athletes' mental states which can be facilitative to sport performance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 體育學
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