


Effect of acute rhythm movement on attention in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder




陳玫鍈(Mei-Ying Chen);陳美華(Mei-Hua Chen)


急性運動 ; 執行功能 ; 協調性 ; acute exercise ; executive function ; coordination




18卷1期(2018 / 05 / 01)


59 - 76




目的:本研究旨在探討急性律動活動對於注意力缺陷過動症(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD)兒童注意力之影響。方法:參與者為14位平均年齡8歲的ADHD兒童,本研究採用組內設計,參與者分別接受靜態閱讀及兒童律動活動的介入,介入後皆接受高登診斷系統之測驗。所蒐集的測驗數據以無母數統計之Wilcoxon符號等級檢定,考驗閱讀後及兒童律動活動後抑制衝動、注意力、抵抗分心測驗分數間的差異。結果:在律動活動後,ADHD兒童的注意力持續有顯著比閱讀後要好;在抑制衝動能力及抵抗分心能力上兩個情境之間並無差異。結論:急性兒童律動活動對於ADHD兒童的注意力持續有改善的效果,學校相關單位可以考慮在課間時段長期來實施ADHD兒童喜愛的身體律動;未來研究可探討運動對於不同類型ADHD兒童在注意力的效果。


Purpose: This study examined the effect of acute rhythmical movement on the attention of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Method: The participants were 14 children with ADHD with an average age of 8 years. This study used a two-time intervention method, with intervention reading on the first day and rhythmic movement activities on the second day. After interventions, the participants were tested using the Gordon diagnostic system. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test of nonparametric statistics was applied to analyze the differences in impulse resistance, attention, and distraction resistance between the reading and the rhythmic movement conditions. Results: The participants exhibited better sustained attention after the rhythmic movement activity than the reading condition. No differences in impulse resistance and distraction resistance were observed between the two conditions. Conclusion: A single bout of rhythmic movement is helpful for children with ADHD to improve their sustained attention. It is suggested that the school authorities can utilize ADHD children-favored rhythmic activities as interventions during the recess time on a long-term basis. This finding suggests future researchers to investigate the effects of exercise on attention in children with different subtypes of ADHD symptoms.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 體育學
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