


Revision of Funk's motivation scale for baseball fans




范良誌(Liang-Chih Fan);江藍龍(Lan-Lung Chiang)


動機 ; 行為意圖 ; 效標關聯效度 ; 觀賞性運動賽事 ; motivation ; behavioral intentions ; criterion-related validity ; ornamental sporting events




20卷1期(2020 / 03 / 31)


47 - 67




目的:旨在修訂Funk, Filo, Beaton,與Pritchard(2009)等學者的棒球賽事球迷參與動機量表(SPEED),該量表以自我決定理論為基礎及內在、外在兩個動機取向來探討消費者行為。方法:研究一以量表前譯、回譯、放聲思考及專家審視等研究步驟,建構觀賞性運動賽事參與動機的預試量表。研究二以2018年中華職棒大聯盟所舉辦賽事觀賞球迷為對象,蒐集資料以探索性因素分析檢驗量表的因素結構、題目鑑別度與內部一致性。研究三以不同樣本透過驗證性因素分析進行量表的信度與效度檢驗。研究四以實際進場觀賞賽事之球迷為對象,進行效標關聯效度的檢驗。結果:顯示修訂後的量表具有不錯的內部一致性,還能有效預測58%行為意圖及53%團隊承諾之解釋變異量,因此在迴歸模式聚合效果良好。結論:修訂後量表能夠為實證研究的有效測量工具,且能夠給予棒球賽事主辦單位以及各球團經營管理者做為未來規劃賽事之參考依據。


Purpose: This study was to revise the SPEED motivation scale developed by Funk, Filo, Beaton, and Pritchard (2009). This scale investigates consumer behavior through the intrinsic and extrinsic motivational orientations based on the self-determination theory. Methods: This study included four sub-studies: Study 1, we sequentially used scale translation, back translation, sound thinking and expert review to construct a pre-test scale of motivation for participation in ornamental sports events. Study 2, we collected data from Chinese Major League Baseball fans who watched games in 2018, then investigated the scale factor structure, item discrimination, and internal consistency using exploratory factor analysis. Study 3, an independent sample was collected to test the reliability and validity of the scale using confirmatory factor analysis. Study 4, we recruited participants who had actually been to the games as subjects to conduct the criterion-related validity. Results: The results showed good internal consistencies in different sub-studies. In addition, the measurements of scale did well predict behavioral intentions and team commitments. In criterion-related validity, there were 58% and 53% variation of behavioral intention and team commitment being explained, respectively. The regression models also revealed well model-fitting. Conclusion: The revised scale can be considered as one of the measurement tools being applied in future empirical research. This revised scale can also be a basis for relevant organizers and the operators of various pellets to plan future events.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 體育學
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