


Bibliometric analysis of positive psychology in sport research




陳景花(Jing-Hua Chen)


文獻計量分析 ; 正向心理學 ; 運動 ; VOSviewer ; bibliometrics analysis ; positive psychology ; sport ; VOSviewer




20卷2期(2020 / 07 / 31)


45 - 72




目的:正向心理學在運動研究領域逐漸產生一些影響;本研究目的為了解正向心理學應用於運動研究的文獻發展趨勢、知識結構及知識交流情形。方法:以文獻計量分析方法,使用 Web of Science資料庫作為搜尋工具,以「sport」為主題,合併正向心理學研究關鍵詞,時間界定為2000年至2019年,共納入5,366篇論文資料,以VOSviewer書目軟體作為分析工具,將文獻資料可視化,並繪製科學知識圖譜。結果:正向心理學應用於運動研究,在美國及英國具有很強的影響力;澳洲昆士蘭大學及英國伯明翰大學則是重要的研究機構。高共被引文獻涵蓋正向心理學研究方法與基礎理論,以及正向心理學對於運動研究的影響。Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology是具有聲望的重要性期刊。研究熱點包括:運動醫學、運動心理學、運動參與、運動表現、競技運動及健康促進運動等集群;研究前沿包括:心流、心理韌性、幸福感及復原力等主題。結論:透過文獻計量分析可以快速掌握正向心理學應用於運動研究的趨勢與概況;正向心理學應用於運動研究已有進展,但仍有許多其他主題可再加以探討。基於研究結果及正向心理學的研究內涵,本研究提出一些未來研究方向之建議。


Purpose: Positive psychology is an emerging scientific research. The constantly growing of related literature also has an impact on the field of sport sciences. Therefore, this study aimed to understand the application of positive psychology to sport research in terms of knowledge exchange and dissemination, as well as literature development trends and knowledge structure. Method: The present study analyzed 5,366 documents of positive psychology in sport from 2000 to 2019 based on the Web of Science. The bibliometric analysis method was used and the software VOSviewer was utilized to visualize the documents data and draw a scientific knowledge map. Results: The study reveals that the United States and the United Kingdom have strong influences on sport research regarding positive psychology. The University of Queensland and the University of Birmingham are important research institutions. The co-citation documents show important research methods and basic theories, as well as the impact of positive psychology in sport research. Research hotspots include sports medicine, sports psychology, sports participation, athletic performance, competitive sports, and health promotion. Research fronts include topics such as flow, psychological resilience, well-being, and resilience. Conclusion: The bibliometric analysis can grasp the latest trends and overviews of positive psychology in the field of sport research. Although positive psychology has been applied to sport research, there are still many other topics that can be further applied. According to the results, suggestions for future research in sport are proposed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 體育學
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