


Relationship between core self-evaluation and career plateau of sports coach: A perspective of career construction theory




胡丞筑(Cheng-Chu Hu);呂宛蓁(Wan-Chen Lu)


生涯適應 ; 工作控制 ; 調節式中介 ; career adaptability ; job control ; moderated mediation




20卷3期(2020 / 11 / 30)


1 - 20






Purpose: This study aimed to examine the predictions of core self-evaluation, career adaptability, and job control on career plateau of sports coaches based on the career construction theory. Method: A total of 332 valid questionnaires were collected from sports coaches working in public schools in Taiwan. Results: The personality trait, core self-evaluation, could positively contribute to individuals' career adaptability. Further, through active exploration and practice of career adaptation, the degree of coaches' career plateau could be reduced. In addition, job control could moderate the relationships between core self-evaluation, career adaptation, and career plateau. The mediating effect of career adaptability in the relation of core self-evaluation and career plateau was increased while an individual perceived a higher level of job control. Conclusion: The findings validate the career construction theory, as the core self-evaluation of sports coaches can contribute to a reduced sense of career stagnation through the process of career adaptability. Especially, such relationships can be stronger while coaches perceive a higher level of job control.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 體育學
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