


Baseball fans' perception of identity, identification, and loyalty behavior to teams: A moderated mediation model of team image




林家五(Chia-Wu Lin);許伸梓(Shen-Tzu Hsu);胡宛仙(Wan-Hsien Hu);吳志英(Chih-Ying Wu)


職棒球迷 ; 社會認定 ; 球隊認同 ; 運動行銷 ; baseball fans ; social identity ; team identification ; sports marketing




20卷3期(2020 / 11 / 30)


21 - 41






Purpose: This study employed social identity as a key theory to explain the impact of baseball fans' perception of identity on identification, and loyalty behavior to team. The mediation role of identification to team was investigated. In addition, team image was tested as a moderator of the moderated mediation model. Method: Utilizing a survey in the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) fields, a sample of 474 valid questionnaires reported by CPBL fans was collected. The moderated mediation model was examined using robust data analytic techniques via bootstrapping. Results: The results indicated that identification to teams mediated the relationship between identity perception and loyalty behavior to team, especially the mediation was stronger when team image was high while weaken when team image was low. Conclusion: In sum, cultivating similar and unique team identities to fans should be the right direction for team and fans management in order to improve fans' loyalty behavior. Moreover, team image is an important factor for a sustainable operations of baseball teams. The limitations of this study and future research are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 體育學
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