


Developing middle-aged women's exercise habits: Mediation of action planning and moderation of anticipated regret




黃耀宗(Yao-Chung Huang);季力康(Li-Kang Chi);李靜芳(Ching-Fang Lee);林珍如(Chen-Ju Lin)


執行意圖 ; 身體活動 ; 調節式中介 ; implementation intention ; physical activity ; moderated mediation




21卷1期(2021 / 03 / 31)


1 - 28




目的:本研究探討行動計畫在中年女性運動意圖與習慣間的中介效果,同時檢驗預期遺憾對此中介機制的調節效果。方法:採用問卷調查法,蒐集臺灣北部地區122位中年女性(平均年齡49.24±4.66歲)的資料,研究工具包括:運動意圖、行動計畫、運動習慣、預期遺憾等自陳問卷。所得資料以階層迴歸分析中介與調節效果,及Hayes(2018)的SPSS PROCESS巨集版本進行分析調節式中介效果。結果:一、運動意圖與行動計畫均對運動習慣有顯著的正向影響效果;二、運動意圖與預期遺憾皆對行動計畫有顯著的正向影響效果;三、行動計畫部分中介運動意圖與習慣的關係;四、只有當參與者有中、低預期遺憾時,行動計畫對運動意圖與習慣之間的關係才有中介的效果。結論:本研究結果凸顯了意圖和習慣之間關係的複雜性,並證明行動計畫和預期遺憾在其間所扮演的重要角色。


Purposes: This study explored the mediated effects of action planning on the relation between middle-aged women's exercise intention and habit, as well as examined the moderated effects of anticipated regret on the mediated mechanism of action planning on the relation between exercise intention and habit. Method: A survey was used to gather responses from a sample of 122 middle-aged women aged 23.58 (± 4.46) years in North Taiwan. Participants were asked to complete a series of inventories, including measures of exercise intention, action planning, anticipated regret, and habit scales. The data were analyzed by hierarchical regression to assess mediation and moderation effects and Hayes (2018) SPSS PROCESS macro model 59 to assess moderated mediation effects. Results: This study indicated that exercise intention and action planning positively affected exercise habits, and exercise intention and anticipated regret positively affected action planning. Additionally, action planning partially mediated the contribution of intention on exercise habits. The indirect effect of action planning was conditional on the level of anticipated regret, action planning acted as a mediator of the intention-habits relationship only for individuals with low or moderate level of anticipated regret. Conclusion: The results highlight the complexity of the relationship between intention and habits and provide evidence for the important role of action planning and anticipated regret.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 體育學
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