


The development of Athletic Coping Strategies to Problems Experienced based on Carver's COPE




田劉從國(Tsung-Kuo Tien-Liu);李佳倚(Chia-Yi Lee);陳享隆(Hsiang-Lung Chen)


心理技能 ; 壓力因應 ; 因應策略 ; 心理測量 ; psychological skills ; coping with stress ; coping strategies ; psychological metrics




22卷1期(2022 / 03 / 31)


1 - 17




目的:本研究是依據Carver等(1989)的因應策略量表(Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced; COPE)為基礎來發展中文版運動因應策略量表(Athletic-COPE; A-COPE)。方法:研究一是以243名大學運動員(男 = 147;女 = 96;19.88 ± 0.48歲)為對象,進行A-COPE量表的驗證性因素分析和信度分析;研究二是以285名大學運動員(男 = 166;女 = 119;20.86 ± 3.45歲)為對象,施測中文版A-COPE量表及競技倦怠量表,以驗證性因素分析考驗假設性測量模式與蒐集樣本的配適度、區別效度和效標關聯效度。結果:10個因素共30個題項的中文版A-COPE量表具有良好之模式適配度;其中的三個二階模式包含有問題導向、情感導向、和逃避導向,皆具有良好的模式適配度和區別效度,特別是問題導向構面與競技倦怠呈現負相關。結論:本研究提供中文版A-COPE量表的初步效度證據,未來研究可以針對不同競技水準的運動員再進行效度和實用性的檢驗,與其他運動心理技能之間的關聯性也值得持續探究。


Purpose: This study aimed to develop the Chinese version of Athletic Coping Strategies to Problems Experienced (A-COPE) based on the COPE (Carver et al., 1989). Methods: In Study 1, data from 243 college athletes (male = 147, female = 96; mean age =19.88 years old) were used to perform a first-order confirmatory factor analysis of the initial version of the A-COPE, including item analysis and internal consistency analysis. In Study 2, 285 college athletes (male = 166, female = 119; mean age = 20.80 years old) completed the A-COPE developed in Study 1 and the Athlete Burnout Questionnaire. Further, a second-order confirmatory factor analysis was performed to test the goodness of fit of the hypothesized measurement model, and the discriminant validity and criterion-related validity of the A-COPE were examined. Results: The measurement model of the 10-factor A-COPE with 30 items exhibited an appropriate goodness of fit with the observed data. The 3 second-order factors, including problem orientation, emotion orientation, and avoidance orientation, revealed acceptable construct and discriminative validities and negatively correlated to athlete burnout. Conclusion: This study provides preliminary evidence of the validity of the Chinese version of A-COPE. For further testing of its validity and practical application, different competitive levels of sports and other psychological skills are recommended to include.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 體育學
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