


The Development and Validation of the Spectator Sports Event Service Quality Scale




許建民(Chien-Ming Hsu);黃煜(Yu Huang);楊宗文(Tsung-Wen Yang);郭雨筑(Yu-Zhu Guo)


觀賞性賽事 ; 現場觀賞 ; 核心品質 ; 週邊品質 ; Spectator events ; Attendance ; Core quality ; Peripheral quality




23卷3期(2023 / 11 / 30)


19 - 47






Objective: The purpose of this study was to follow the opinions of sports marketing scholars, broaden the scope of service quality of events, and develop and validate the "Spectator Sports Event Service Quality Scale" through a series of rigorous methodological and analytical procedures. Method: This study was divided into three stages. The first stage was to generate items by collecting suitable items from the relevant literature and inviting five experts in sport marketing, sport psychology and outdoor recreation to review and revise these items. The second stage was to purify items, mainly using data from 124 samples for exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and item analysis. The third stage was to validate the scale by carrying out confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with 226 samples to obtain scale reliability and validity. In addition, cross-validation was employed with an additional 225 samples to evaluate the model stability. Results: First, 26 items were obtained based on experts’ opinions. In the second stage, two items were removed, and the remaining 24 items were structured into six factors by EFA. Finally, the CFA supported the two second-order models with an adequate fit to the data. The scale showed acceptable validity and reliability, and the cross-validation process affirmed its stability. Conclusion: After a three-stage examination, this study confirms that the 24-item spectator sports event service quality scale, which covers core and peripheral categories, with appropriate reliability, validity, and stability, making it a reliable research tool. In the future, this scale could be employed by practitioners to evaluate the service quality of sports events.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 體育學
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