


The Relationship between E-Commerce and Firm's Competitive Advantage: A View of Value Creation




楊鎮維(Chen-Wei Yang);楊泰和(Tai-Ho Yang);方世杰(Shih-Chieh Fang)


電子商務 ; 虛擬組織 ; 競爭優勢 ; 價值創造 ; e-commerce ; virtual organization ; competitive advantage ; value creation




2期(2003 / 07 / 01)


135 - 150




電子商務有潛力創造巨大的價值,它也徹底改變了存在廠商競爭的規則,更吸引了許多管理學者研究電子商務在策略管理領域之價值;本文概述了虛擬組織的特性及廠商電子商務其競爭優勢的理論基礎,諸如價值鏈架構、熊彼得創造性毀滅理論、公司資源基礎觀點及交易成本理論,並介紹了電子商務新經營模式的價值創造;最後則分析探討電子商務的四個價值驅動因子(value drivers);創新(novelty)、鎖定(lock-in)、互補性(complementarity)及效率(efficiency)。研究結果指出:前述的四個價值驅動因子可作為啟動電子商務價值創造之前置因素,由此可推論至競爭優勢的概念,進而促成了電子商務與廠商競爭優勢之間的鏈結。


E-commerce has potential to create huge value; it also fundamentally changes the rule of business competition and attracts many scholars to research its strategic value. This study discussed virtual organization and theoretical base of competitive advantage in e-commerce. There is value chain framework, Schumpeterian theory, resource-based theory and transaction cost theory discussed in the article and the operation model of value creation in e-commerce is introduced. Four value drivers of e-commerce: novelty, lock-in, complementarity and efficiency are discussed at the end. Results indicated that: the four value drivers of e-commerce mentioned play a role of antecedents in value creation, in reference to the concept of competitive advantage. Furthermore, it incentive the linkage of e-commerce and firm's competitive advantage.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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