


The Aging Restrain and Delay of Health Related Physical Fitness




陳優華(Yu-Hua Chen)


健康體能 ; 老化 ; health related physical fitness ; agmg




3期(2004 / 07 / 01)


127 - 138




21世紀的今天,醫療及其他與健康有關的科學進步,人類壽命增長,同時使得我圈與其他開發國家相似,逐漸進入高齡化社會,然而,科學發展至令,仍未能治好一切疾病,克服死亡。造成老人的死亡主要原因,大部分是由於『老化』使得人體儲備功能(Reserve Capacity)衰退,一且身體受到內外在危險因子刺激,便無法作有效的調整,所以產生許多不可知的病變。人隨著年齡增長,各種生、心理機能逐漸退化,而加速老化發展。根據許多研究顯示,有規律的從事健康體能運動,適當的營養與壓力抒解,則是公認有效的抑制延緩老化的三大因素,同時本文即針對各方論述研究成果,綜合文獻,從老化的定義、老化的速度、老化的生理特點、老化的心理特點,還有從事健康體能運動抑制延緩老化等相關研究,及適合之運動標準原則作一敘述,並盼籍本研究,進一步揭開老化的各種生、心理神秘面紗,同時期勉大眾培養從事規律的健康體能運動,使得人人可以得到身體、心理的健康。因為,身心健康才是人生最寶貴的財富。


Foe the modem days currently, the medical care and other science related to health fitness care, the elongation of human life expectancy will make our nation identical to the already developed nations and become the society of aging seniors. However, with the current science development, it is unavailable for humans to cure all the diseases and overcome the menace of death. The most influent factor to cause death is exactly the aging to bring with the decay in humane reserve capacity. Once, the body suffers from the interior or exterior dangerous and harmful factors with the simulations to inhibit the effective adjustment, finally resulting in the unexpected morbidities. People will decay in both physical and mental conditions with the aging acceleration accordingly. Knowing from many studies, the regular healthy sports, adequate nourishment and stress relaxation will be broadly known for the 3 major factors to restrain the aging menace. Meanwhile, this article is meant to focus on various research results, and integrate the documentary records, from the definition, speed, physical and mental characteristics of aging, together with the researches related to the aging restrain of sports customs and its proper sport principles, to further disclose the very factors in both physical and mental conditions for aging through this article. Meantime, sincerely expect every one to keep the regular habit of athletic activities for health fitness care to reach the optimal wholesome conditions both in physic and mental aspects. It is because the health will be the most precious thing of human life.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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