


Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Impression Management Behaviors in Performance Appraisal: Identify the Motives behind Behaviors




湯大偉(Ta-Wei Tang);林晏瑜(Yen-Yu Lin);卓秀足(Hsiu-Tsu Cho);謝孟樺(Meng-Hwa Hsieh)


組織公民行為 ; 印象管理行為 ; 績效評估 ; 歸因 ; organizational citizenship behavior ; impression management behaviors ; performance appraisal ; attribution




6期(2006 / 07 / 01)


157 - 172




本研究認為社會脈絡與組織公民行為動機二個因素會影響績效評估準確度或造成績效評估不公正。因此本研究希望透過文獻的回顧與討論,首先釐清社會脈絡因素對績效評估過程的影響,助於瞭解員工與管理者的互動以及績效評估情境對績效評估過程的影響。其次,過去文獻確認組織公民行為是組織評估員工績效的重要依據之一,但並未充分討論公民行為發生之背後動機,所以如何分辨出真正的組織公民行為以避免造成績效評估的誤差,是一個重要的研究議題,本研究探討組織公民行為的印象管理動機,並提出重要的關鍵構面,以協助區辨員工的組織公民行為與印象管理行為,這些構面包括員工行為的一致性(Consistency)、員工的名譽(reputations)以及員工的任務績效表現(task performance)。


This study examined the effects of social contextual factors and the motives behind organizational citizenship behaviors on the accuracy and fairness of performance appraisal. First, this article explored the role of social contextual factors in performance appraisal process, and elaborated the influence of the interaction among employees and managers and the context of performance appraisal on the process of performance appraisal. Second, we showed it is importance to identify the motives behind organizational citizenship behaviors in facilitating the accuracy of performance appraisal, and declared some variables (i.e. consistency of employee behavior, employee reputations, and employees' task performance) that were critical in distinguishing between organizational citizenship behaviors and impression management behaviors.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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