


The Research of Auxiliary Mobile Devices Applied to Navigation System by Technology Acceptance Model


黃天佑(Tien-Yu Huang);崔倬豪(Cho-Hao Tsui);許雅惠(Ya-Hui Hsu)


科技接受模式 ; 資訊系統成功模式 ; 電腦自我效能 ; 行動載具 ; Internet usage behavior ; self-esteem ; Internet addiction ; attachment style




14期(2013 / 01 / 01)


163 - 180




本研究乃利用科技接受模式(TAM)來探討旅遊者於2010台北花博接駁公車上使用「花博行」導覽系統之使用態度、行為意圖與其影響因素構面間之關係,以構建智慧型公車輔助行動載具載在導覽系統上應用之接受模式,並解釋其影響因素構面間之關連性。本研究透過文獻探討將科技接受模式(TAM)的外部變數加入了資訊系統成功模式中的「系統品質」、「資訊品質」,此外也加入了「電腦自我效能」的構面,並就問卷所得之資料,除提供一些建議予相關政府部門做為未來施政參酌外,另以部分最小平方法(partial least squares; PLS)作為研究架構的資料分析工具,得到了一合理的模式。


This research is by the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to explore the relations among users' attitude, behavioral intention and impact factors to the Expo tourists in order to build up the Acceptance Model of intelligence buses with auxiliary mobile devices in the navigation system and to realize the above influencing factors. And by exploring the relevant documents, the TAM of the external variables include System Quality and Information Quality in the success model of information systems. In addition, the Computer self-efficacy is considered too. Hopefully, from the questionnaire survey, on one hand it could provide some suggestions to the Government relevant authorities for their policy reference, and on the other for some of the Partial Lease Squares-PLS as a tool of research-based data analysis to get reasonable model.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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