The World Wide Web (WWW) has become the new medium to present geospatial data recently. Maps always play the traditional role in providing knowledge of geospatial distributions and relations. So, all kinds of web maps would be drawn when geospatial data are displayed in the web. However, there are many poor- designed maps found in the web world. Moreover, the ordinary audience tend to surf the web quickly than reading the traditional versions, so the audience do not get the geospatial data easily. Therefore, it is worth doing some research and discussion about the symbol design in the web maps. In order to analyzing the quality of these web maps, this paper would quote the theories and principles of traditional map symbol design to integrate the principles of traditional map symbolization according to the spatial dimension (point, line, and area), levels of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio) data, visual variables (size, hue, value, texture, orientation, and shape). Then it would take the development and limitation of modern web technology into consideration, it would revise the former one into the web map symbolization to review the relationship between the web map symbolization and thematic mapping techniques (choropleth, dot, graduated circle, isopleths, et al.).
After analyzing all kinds of web maps, it discovered that most of the ordinal, interval and ratio quantitative data would follow the principles of symbolization. Most point symbols would use the visual variations, and geometric symbols which often show in the drawing software would use the mapping techniques of dot maps and graduated symbol maps, and polygon symbols are drew in the choropleth maps and isopleths maps of graded color. Moreover, most of the point, line, and area symbols belonging to nominal data would use color visual variations rather than shape and direction visual variations. Some quantitative data abuses the color systems that qualitative data should use. By analyzing, inducing, and composing the limitation and principles of design, the research paper as the reference for the web map makers would lead to improve the qualities of the future web map symbolization.
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