


The Relationship between the Spatial Pattern of Built-up Area and Landform-An Application of Fractal Theory




李介中(Chieh-Chung Lee);蔡博文(Bor-Wen Tsai)


碎形理論 ; 盒計數法 ; 建地 ; 地形 ; fractal theory ; box counting method BCM ; built-up ; landform




3期(2005 / 10 / 01)


43 - 55




近年來,碎形理論的興起,帶給地理學者對於空間分佈新的研究取徑,本研究即利用碎形理論發展的碎形維度探討臺灣建地的空間分佈型態,並將之與地形因子結合,驗證其間是否存有顯著的關連,並探討兩者的關連性。 研究結果發現盒計數法適合於該類型的研究,且能減少不同資料間的精準度差異,但在平面上的碎形維度值應介於0~2之間,而非1~2。臺灣地區建地的空間分佈特性,在時間軸的演變上,碎形維度值由南部較高,演變成臺灣西半部皆有高維度值,此與臺灣的社會發展是由南而北,由農業轉換到工商業一致;為驗證地形與建地分佈間是否存有關連,採卡方檢定分析建地與地形的碎形維度,發現兩者間存有顯著的關連性,然而早期是受到農耕文化的牽引,往平坦地發展,後期則因為平坦地開發殆盡,轉而朝向山坡地發展。


This study analyzes the spatial distribution pattern of built-up in Taiwan by using fractal theory. The result shows box counting method (BCM) suits spatial distribution researches. South Taiwan has high fractal dimension from early age, and the fractal dimension of north Taiwan got high in the later period. The phenomenon coincides with the history of Taiwan development. To prove that there is a noticeable relationship between built-up area and landform, this study uses Chi test (χ2). But the demands are different between early age and later period. In early age, people lived on plain for agriculture, and people developed toward mountain area in later period because there is no enough space for development on plain region.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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