


A Study of the Influence of Sports and Leisure Behavior on Working Pressure of Employees of Theme Parks




郭芳琪(Fang-Chi Kuo)


主題遊樂園員工 ; 運動休閒行為 ; 工作壓力 ; employee of theme park ; sports and leisure behavior ; working pressure




5期(2007 / 09 / 01)


150 - 177




本研究探討運動休閒行為對於主題遊樂園員工工作壓力的影響,針對2004年台灣觀光年所定義之台灣地區主題遊樂園員工為研究對象,包括劍湖山世界、六福村主題遊樂園、月眉育樂世界、八仙海岸、九族文化村、小叮噹科學遊樂區、小人國主題樂園與花蓮海洋公園等8個主題遊樂園,並採用便利抽樣法進行抽樣,分析主題遊樂園員工在運動休閒行為與工作壓力因素之認知程度的差異與交互作用。研究結果發現: 一、在工作地點以劍湖山世界與六福村主題遊樂園的員工佔大多數,女性員工較多,年齡在21-40歲居多,教育程度以高中職與大專院校為最多,未婚與已婚所佔比例相差不多,工作排休狀況以不定期排班輪休佔最多數。 二、運動休閒行為因素分析總共萃取出5個構面因素,分別命名為「運動優點」、「運動地點」、「運動阻礙」、「運動頻率」與「運動誘因」;工作壓力因素分析,總共萃取出4個構面因素,分別命名為「個人壓力」、「組織壓力」、「組織外壓力」與「工作場所壓力」。 三、各變數間以皮爾森相關係數表示相關程度,以運動休閒行為因素之「運動優點」與「運動誘因」及「運動阻礙」與「運動頻率」相關程度最高;工作壓力因素之「組織壓力」與「組織外壓力」相關程度最高,運動休閒行為與工作壓力因素之間影響關係以「運動阻礙」與「工作場所壓力」相關程度最高。 四、以獨立樣本t檢定分析性別在主題遊樂園員工之差異性,女性比男性在運動休閒行為因素之「運動優點」、「運動地點」、「運動阻礙」、「運動頻率」與「運動誘因」更同意;男性比女性在工作壓力因素之「工作場所壓力」更同意。 五、一因子多變量檢定分析顯示在主題遊樂園員工運動休閒行為方面,工作地點在「運動優點」、「運動地點」、「運動頻率」與「運動誘因」;年齡在「運動優點」與「運動誘因」;婚姻狀況在「運動優點」、「運動誘因」、「運動地點」與「運動頻率」;工作排休狀況在「運動優點」、「運動地點」與「運動誘因」之分析,均達顯著交互作用;教育程度未達顯著交互作用。在員工工作壓力方面,工作地點在「個人壓力」、「組織壓力」、「組織外壓力」與「工作場所壓力」;婚姻狀況在「工作場所壓力」;工作排休狀況在「個人壓力」與「組織外壓力」,均達顯著交互作用;年齡與教育程度均未顯著交互作用。


The main purpose of this study was aimed to discuss the influence of sports and leisure behavior on the working pressure of theme parks' employees. Convenience sampling was conducted to have employees from 8 theme parks in Taiwan, including Janfusun Fancyworld, Leofoo Village Theme Park, Yamay, Formosa Fun Coast, Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village, Little Ding-Dong Science Park, Window on China Theme Park and Hualien Ocean Park as respondents in order to understand employees' perceived factors of sport and leisure behavior and working pressure, the differences and interactions of these factors were also analyzed. The results indicated: 1. The majority employees worked for Janfusun Fancyworkd and Leofoo Village; most respondents were female at the age of 21-40; senior high graduates and college graduates were the most; the proportion of single and married respondents were about the same; most people were off from work on an irregular basis. 2. There were five factors selected from the sports and leisure behavior of theme park employees: ”the advantage of exercise”, ”exercise location”, ”exercise obstacle”, ”exercise frequency” and ”exercise lure”; there were four factors selected from the working pressure: ”personal pressure”, ”organization pressure”, ”pressure from outside organization” and ”pressure from workplace”,. 3. Pearson Correlation Coefficients were utilized to demonstrate the relationship between every variance. The outcomes showed that ”the advantage of exercise” was highly relevant to ”exercise lure”; ”exercise obstacle” had the highest relevance with ”exercise frequency”; ”organization pressure” was highly relevant to ”pressure from the outside organization”. As for the relationship between sports and leisure behavior and working pressure, ”exercise obstacle” had the highest relevance to ”workplace pressure”. 4. Under t-test analysis, in category of the type of sports and leisure behavior, female were more agreeable with ”advantage of exercise”, ”exercise location”, ”exercise obstacle”, ”exercise frequency” and ”exercise lure” than male. In accordance with factors of working pressure, male were more consent with ”workplace pressure” than female. 5. All variances operated by One-Way MANOVA in the area of the sports and leisure behavior indicated that employees' working location in ”advantage of exercise”, ”exercise lure”, ”exercise location” and ”exercise frequency”; age in ”advantage of exercise” and ”exercise lure”; marital status in ”advantage of exercise”, ”exercise lure”, ”exercise location” and ”exercise frequency”; day-off schedule in ”advantage of exercise”, ”exercise location” and ”exercise lure” all had significant interactions. Education was no significant interactions occurred. In the area of employees' working pressure indicated that employees' working location in ”personal pressure”, ”organization pressure”, ”pressure from outside organization” and ”workplace pressure”; marital status in ”workplace pressure; day-off schedule in ”personal pressure”, ”pressure from outside organization” all had significant interactions. Age and education were no significant interactions occurred.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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