


A Study of Service Quality on the 2004 Peng-Hu First International Chinese Marathon Event




盧瑞山(Ren-San Lu);陳弘慶(Hong-Ching Chen)


服務品質 ; 結構方程模式 ; 馬拉松賽會 ; service quality ; structural equation modeling ; Marathon event




5期(2007 / 09 / 01)


236 - 259




本研究之主要目的是在編製一馬拉松賽會適合的服務品質量表。並進行各項人口統計變項在運動賽會服務品質知覺上之比較分析;最後再以服務品質各因素構面對參與者之再參加意願進行預測分析,此結果將作為賽會未來的規劃與提升活動整體服務品質參考。本研究設計「澎湖首屆世界華人馬拉松賽服務品質問卷」,以2004年澎湖首屆世界華人馬拉松賽之成人參與者為對象,共發出600份問卷,回收485份問卷,經刪除填答不完整之問卷後,得有效問卷443份。本研究以結構方程模式方法學中的驗證式因素分析(CFA)的技術,以LISREL8.54 的軟體來執行理論模式做驗證的工作。並且以SPSS10.0版軟體對相關人口變項對服務品質執行差異性的檢定。模式整體適配度評鑑的結果顯示,本研究模式具有相當的整體建構效度。所以說,澎湖首屆世界華人馬拉松賽服務品質是一種二階因素模式。其次,檢定此一模式的內在品質發現,模式中的觀察變項皆具有相當好的信度,四個服務品質的構面(活動品質、互動品質、成果品質以及環境設施品質)也具有相當良好的建構信度與效度。本研究提出五個假設來檢定各種人口變項在服務品質各構面的差異情形,以及以服務品質構面來預測再參與的可能性。結果顯示年齡與跑齡變項在服務品質上有達顯著差異存在。四類品質中,活動品質與成果品質對再參與具有預測能力。


This study's main objective was to compose a service quality measurement of the Marathon Event, and to make a comparative analysis of different demographic variables, which demonstrate the perception of service quality in the Marathon event. Finally, the study uses service quality factors in order to make a prediction analysis of participants' willingness to take part in the event again. The results of the study can serve as reference for future planning and improvement of the Marathon event's quality of service. The study includes a questionnaire titled: ”Questionnaire about the quality of service in Peng-Hu first international Chinese Marathon” and participants of ”2004 Peng-Hu first international Chinese Marathon event as study objects. A total number of 600 questionnaires were handed out and 485 were filled up and returned, among which 443 valid forms remained after deduction of forms that were handled inappropriately. The study uses a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) based on structural equation modeling, and uses LISREL8.54 software in order to confirm the theoretical model. SPSS version 10.0 is used to tests for different service quality demographical variables. The results of the assessment of overall model fit show that study's modeling holds a relative efficient overall construction, and hence we can conclude that the Quality of Service in ”Peng-Hu first international Chinese Marathon” constitutes a second-order factor model. In addition, the tests of quality attributes reveal that all observed variables in this model reach a good level of reliability, and four facets (e.g. Quality of Activities, Quality of Interaction, Quality of Results and Quality of Environment) even reach a very good level of constructive reliability and efficiency. The study came up with 5 hypotheses about the variance of each service quality demographical variable, and hence used service quality factors to make a prediction of the possibility for a second-time participation. The results show that most demographical variables hold a clear difference in ”Quality of Achievements” and ”Quality of Environment”. In addition, among the four qualities, ”Quality of Activities” and ”Quality of Achievements” can yield a prediction.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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