Since 1998, Amway Taiwan Company Limited (Amway) has been partnering in organizing women billiards event, the Amway Cup World Women Billiards Invitational. This tournament has become a well-known global women billiard event due to the support from corporate sponsor. Since sponsorship is a business relationship through which support is offered in return for rights and association (Sleight, 1989), sponsorship is more likely to fail if there is no exchanging mutual benefit between the two parties. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of Amway's Sponsorship by assessing six factors, including sponsor recognition, knowledge of the company, liking, positive image, brand preference, and purchase intention. Data was collected through internet survey with 110 valid questionnaires.
Primary findings were as follows: (a) Amway did have benefits from this sponsorship, (b) gender has no influence on audience’s perception of Amway's sponsorship, and (c) audiences with different TV viewing frequency indicated no significant differences in terms of most factors of sponsorship effectiveness.
According to this study, the sponsorship of Amway in organizing women billiards event is not only a legitimate strategy enhancing corporate brand awareness and building positive image, but also a guideline for other corporations considering adopting similar strategy.
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