


The Relationships of Exercise Participation and Well-Being of the Retired Elderly: The Mediating Effects of Perceived Benefits




李易儒(Yi-Ju Lee);洪維勵(Wei-Li Hung)


退休銀髮族 ; 運動強度 ; 運動頻率 ; 利益知覺 ; 幸福感 ; retired elderly ; exercise intensity ; exercise frequency ; perceived benefits ; well-being




7期(2008 / 12 / 01)


142 - 159






The objective of this study was to identify the sense of well-being and perceived benefits among retired elderly and relationships of physical exercise, including exercise intensity and frequency, exercise benefits and well-being. Quota sampling was chosen to select the respondents. People who aged over 60 were interviewed with questionnaire. The survey was conducted in a number of parks in Taipei. A total of 352 valid questionnaires were collected. The results show that emotional reaction was perceived by the respondents as the highest factor in terms of the sense of well-being. There was a negative relationship between exercise intensity and well-being. However, exercise frequency had significant positive relationships with well-being. The results indicate that social interaction was perceived as the most important benefits of exercise. In addition, a low negative correlation between exercise intensity and exercise benefits was found, and exercise frequency and exercise benefits had low positive correlation. The results find that there was a high correlation between the perceived exercise benefits and the well-being. In addition, perceived benefits of exercise is a mediator between exercise intensity and the components of well-being. Besides, perceived benefits is also a mediator between exercise frequency and mental impression. The study suggests that the elderly should keep doing exercise regularly in order to increase well-being and successful ageing.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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