


An Analysis of Motivation, Risk Factors, and Intention to Purchase through the Internet for Sport Merchandise Consumption




陳成業(Chen-Yueh Chen);林怡秀(Yi-Hsiu Lin)


網路購物 ; 風險因子 ; 運動行銷 ; 網路行銷 ; online consumption ; risk factors ; moderator ; sport marketing ; Internet marketing




8期(2009 / 06 / 01)


1 - 16






The purpose of the current study was to investigate the causal relationships among motivation, risk factors, and intention to purchase through the Internet for sport merchandise. And to provide the managerial implications based on the findings of this study. Four hundred and forty two students were sampled from three universities and given questionnaire using convenience sampling. Structural equation modeling was performed for data analysis. Results: Motivation was found to positively influence the intention to purchase through the Internet for sport merchandise while risk factors were found to negatively affect the intention to purchase through the Internet for sport merchandise. Organizations should improve consumers' perceived risk factors associated with online consumption; for instance, to ensure security and privacy of online consumption, product delivery, quality of sport merchandise, and customer service was necessary. Also, organizations should allocate more marketing resources to decrease male consumers' perceived risk factors associated with online consumption. This study recommended that organizations should fully understand the psychological factors that could affect online consumers' purchase intention in order to achieve win-win situation for both organizations and consumers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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