


The Impact of Dualistic Passions on Cheerleaders




胡婉玲(Anne Wan-Ling Hu)


雙元熱情模式 ; 調和型熱情 ; 偏執型熱情 ; 得獎績效 ; 運動傷害 ; dualistic passions ; harmonious passion ; obsessive passion ; award performance ; sport-injuries




8期(2009 / 06 / 01)


55 - 74






This was the first empirical study to survey the impact of dualistic passions towards positive behavioral outcomes-award performance and negative outcomes-sport injuries among Taiwan college cheerleaders, and so as to explore the path from dualistic passion through time variables to positive and negative outcomes. Among the 498 valid samples from participants in the 2008 National College Cheerleader Championship, using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA as well as SEM to analyze the data, the result confirmed the two subdimensions, namely harmonious passion and obsessive passion, as well as the direct and indirect effect of a dualistic model of passion-time relative variables- positive/negative outcomes. This research obtained the following conclusions: 1. College cheerleaders generally possess high levels of passion with almost 2/3 of participants displaying obsessive passion. 2. Serious sports injuries are light with almost 85% of participants used to getting hurt during practice. 3. The higher the harmonious and obsessive passion, the better the participants' award performance in the competition and the higher the likelihood of injury. Obsessive passion was shown to have a stronger influence than harmonious passion. 4. With obsessive passion the only one to show a direct path of effect to a participant's award performance, all other paths go through mediators of time variables, e.g. seniority and dedicated time, to indirectly affect the two outcomes.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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