


A Study of Knowledge Sharing Effectiveness on the Professionals of Physical Education and Sport in Taiwan




劉照金(Chao-Chin Liu);劉一慧(Yi-Hui Liu)


計畫行爲理論 ; 體育專業人員 ; 知識分享行爲 ; 知識分享成效 ; theory of planned behavior ; professionals of physical education and sport ; knowledge sharing behavior ; knowledge sharing effectiveness




11卷1期(2011 / 03 / 01)


1 - 23






This study took the theory of planned behavior as a conceptual framework, to examine the effectiveness of sports professionals in the knowledge sharing model and the path of relevance relations. We developed a survey on knowledge sharing behavior among professionals in physical education and sports as the research tool. Based on purposive sampling, 666 valid questionnaires were collected from professionals in the fields of physical education and sports in Taiwan and the data was analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results of this study include the following: (1) The measurement mode, measurement mode for goodness of fit, evaluation indicators, and tests demonstrated an adaptive structure model range, indicating the effectiveness of knowledge sharing among physical education professionals in this research reached a good model fit; (2) The path analysis of effectiveness for knowledge sharing of sports professionals, indicated the effectiveness of the knowledge sharing system used by sports professionals, according to subjective norms, shared attitudes, perceived behavioral control, sharing behavior, and other factors intended to share the positive impact directly or indirectly. In conclusion, this study confirmed that the theory of planned behavior has good explanatory power in knowledge sharing behavior of professionals of physical education and sport, and effectively predicted the effectiveness of knowledge sharing of professionals of physical education and sport.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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