


The Relationship between Destination Image, Experience, Perceived Value, and Behavioral Intentions of Hiking Trail Visitors




許秀貞(Hsiu-Chen Hsu);鍾志強(Chih-Chiang Chung)


登山活動 ; 遊客意象 ; 體驗 ; 遊客知覺 ; 遊客行為 ; hiking ; visitor image ; experience ; visitor perceived ; visitor behavior




11卷3期(2011 / 09 / 01)


233 - 253






This study investigates the effect the destination image, experience, and value perceived by a hiking trail visitor has on their behavioral intentions. Thus, we developed a questionnaire for hiking trail visitors that explored their destination image, experience, perceived value, and behavioral intentions. We employed the systematic sampling method to collect data. For this study, 420 hiking trail visitors were selected as participants; 391 valid questionnaires were obtained for a validity rate of 93%. The collected data were analyzed using frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability tests, and multiple regression analysis. The results indicated that (1) the participants had a positive relationship experience, perceived value, and behavioral intention toward hiking trails; (2) a positive relationship existed between perceived value and behavioral intentions; (3) the relationship between destination image and perceived value has an insignificant effect; and (4) the relationship between destination image and behavioral intention has an insignificant effect.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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