


The Linear Relationship between College Students' Attitudes, Motivations, Constraints, and Satisfaction of Leisure




洪升呈(Sheng-Cheng Hung)


結構方程模式 ; 效度 ; 信度 ; structural equation model ; validity ; reliability




11卷3期(2011 / 09 / 01)


255 - 276






The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the leisure attitudes, leisure motivations, leisure constraints, and leisure satisfaction of college students and construct a cause-and-effect model for this relationship. This study investigated 14 universities and colleges throughout Taiwan and distributed 1,400 questionnaires. Of these questionnaires, 1,278 were returned, and 1,046 were effective. According to the study purpose, and to verify the hypothetical model, a structural equation model was employed to identify the cause-and-effect relationship. The results of this model indicated the following: (1) The relationship between leisure motivations and attitudes, leisure attitudes and satisfaction, and leisure motivations and satisfaction had positive linearity; (2) leisure constraints had a negative influence on leisure attitudes; and (3) leisure motivations played a key role in promoting leisure satisfaction. To increase students' leisure opportunities, we suggest using the variants of the leisure model that most affect leisure satisfaction to analyze students' positive attitudes to leisure activities. Additionally, the leisure-related variables of the leisure model should be increased to provide more comprehensive information.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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