


Service Quality Indicators for Sports Tourism in Taiwan




劉照金(Chao-Chin Liu);董燊(Shen Tung);蔡永川(Yung-Chuan Tsai);劉一慧(Yi-Hui Liu)


運動觀光 ; 服務品質指標 ; 運動觀光產業 ; PZB服務品質模式 ; sports tourism ; service quality indicators ; sports tourism industry ; PZB service quality model




13卷1期(2013 / 03 / 31)


55 - 80






This study investigated the factors involving Taiwanese citizens' participation in sports tourism regarding service quality, to improve the service quality indicators of sports tourism. The research method was based on the model of service quality of PZB. ”The Questionnaire of Service Quality in the Sports Tourism Industry” was administered. A total of 1,738 Taiwanese citizens aged 16 years or older, who had experience in sports tourism activities, were interviewed. The samples were randomly divided into three sets. The first sample set was used to generate the factors by using exploratory factor analysis. A series of competing models was then established and evaluated using the second sample set and the confirmatory factor analysis procedure. These models exhibited favorable reliability to construct the reliability and validity of service quality indicators. The cross-validation was tested using a multiple group analysis of the third sample set for the model. The model's stability and predictive power were confirmed. The data were analyzed using the SSPS14.0 and AMOS 17.0 software. The results of this research are as follows: 1) Exploratory factor analysis revealed that the sports tourism quality index involved five factors (empathy, reliability, tangibility, assurance, and responsiveness). Among these factors, empathy exerted the greatest influence. These five factors could explain 74.18% of the total variance and exhibited excellent internal consistency. 2) Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that, on the sports tourism quality index, the latent reliability, assurance, empathy, visibility, and responsiveness dimensions all exhibited convergent validity and discriminant validity. 3) Cross-validation analysis indicated that the volumes of the two sample groups were the same. The service quality index constructed in this research demonstrated cross-sample and cross-situational validity. In conclusion, the factor structure of the scale is favorable, exhibiting construct validity and passing the reliability test. In addition, the data gathered are suitable for the theoretical framework proposed in this study, and the stability of the model passed both loose and tight statistical tests, indicating that the five dimensions of the revised PZB service quality model can be used in constructing a sports tourism service quality index. However, considering various types of sports tourism, the various characteristics of service organizations, and consumer segments is necessary to revise the index appropriately based on actual use.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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