


Relationships among Sport Tourists' Event Image, Destination Image, Event Satisfaction, and Behavioral Intention




王建興(Chien-Hsin Wang);方怡潔(Yi-Chieh Fang)


賽會管理 ; 目的地行銷 ; 路跑賽 ; event management ; destination marketing ; road-running events




13卷2期(2013 / 06 / 30)


135 - 157






The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among event image, destination image, event satisfaction, and behavioral intention by merging the fields of sport tourism and event management. The participants were runners of the 2012 Kaohsiung International Marathon (N = 401). The instrument comprised 4 sport- or tourism-related scales concerning event image, destination image, event satisfaction, and behavioral intention. The questionnaires were distributed at the final destination point of the marathon (the Kaohsiung National Stadium) on February 5, 2012. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results revealed that (a) the hypothesized model fit the data appropriately; (b) event image was positively related to event satisfaction; (c) event satisfaction was positively related to behavioral intention; (d) event image was positively related to destination image, and (e) destination image was positively related to behavioral intention. The results indicated that high levels of event image increase event satisfaction and destination image, thus enhancing behavioral intention. The researchers suggest that event managers develop managerial strategies to enhance various function areas of an event and runner event experience, to increase the level of service quality through personnel training, to establish effective information channels, and to optimally arrange event logistics. In addition, tourism promoters should improve the overall tourism quality of Kaohsiung and strengthen its destination attraction to encourage runners to revisit Kaohsiung in the near future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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