Purpose: This study is aiming to investigate the use benefits of school sports facilities by using the contingent valuation method (CVM), examining the effects of non-use value benefits and improving the factors of cost-benefit analysis that could overlook non-economic effects. Methods: A questionnaire, "The Assessment of Conditions for Sports Facilities," was designed and administered to 400 natatorium users from a university in Northern Taiwan. A Payment Card Method in CVM was selected as the elicitation format, ensuring that the 400 respondents could liberally fill in an amount based on their willingness to pay (WTP) and their willingness to accept (WTA) by using the natatorium. Results: The natatorium users under the Probit, Logit, and Tobit regression models, showed that "average time per use" and "recognition of health and leisure" significantly affected the non-use benefits in the WTP model, and that the value of non-use of the sport facilities ranged from approximately NT$ 9,274,953 to NT$ 18,797,660 per semester. The amount that average people are willing to pay ranges from NT$ 311.47 to NT$ 631.26. Conclusion: The administrators of the sports facilities should establish a reasonable price range and value the importance of quality and management of sports facilities to increase the utilization rate, and thereby raise the use-effectiveness.
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