


Administrative Leadership Behavior and Organizational Efficacy in Physical Education Departments of Public Universities: Using Conflict Management as the Mediator




許振明(Jen-Ming Shiu)


組織領導 ; 領導行為 ; 衝突管理 ; 組織效能 ; organizational leadership ; leadership behavior ; conflict management ; organizational efficacy




14卷1期(2014 / 06 / 30)


27 - 58






The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between physical education administrative leadership behavior and organizational efficacy by using conflict management as a mediating variable. The study included 421 samples from administrative organizations. During the study, data were collected using a questionnaire and then tested and verified using SEM and linear regression analysis. Leadership behavior exerted a positive effect on organizational efficacy, and conflict management had a mediating effect on the relationship between leadership behavior and organizational efficacy. The study showed that conflict management was an appropriate intermediary variable. Efficient leadership behavior resulted in improved organizational efficacy. Conflict management may positively influence organizational efficacy. Thus, the directors of physical education administrations at public universities and colleges should use their leadership skills favorably to enhance organizational efficacy by appropriately adopting conflict management.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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