


Sports Tourism Satisfaction Index Model for the Fubon Taipei Marathon




曹校章(Hsaio-Chang Tsao)


活動形象 ; 運動觀光期望 ; 知覺服務品質 ; 知覺價值 ; 忠誠度 ; activity image ; sports tourist expectation ; perceived service quality ; perceived value ; loyalty




13卷4期(2013 / 12 / 31)


339 - 367






This paper presents the sports tourism satisfaction index model for the Fubon Taipei Marathon. The research was conducted on December 18, 2011 using the sports tourists’ satisfaction questionnaire as an index model for the Fubon Taipei Marathon. A total of 488 participants were included. A structural equation model was used to test the satisfaction index model. The results showed that most of the fit indices of the overall model and internal structure corresponded to the standards for statistics. However, the average variance extracted from the sports tourism expectation construct did not correspond to statistical criteria, thus decreasing the path coefficient of the construct. Based on path analysis, we confirmed the hypotheses of the positive correlations of "activity image" with "expectation" and "loyalty," of "expectation" with "perceived service quality" and "perceived values," of "perceived service quality" with "perceived values" and "satisfaction," of "perceived value" with "satisfaction, " and of "satisfaction" with "loyalty. " However, we rejected the hypotheses of the positive correlation of "activity image" and "expectation" with "satisfaction." In conclusion, the sports tourism industry exhibits unique results when there is a difference between expectation and satisfaction. We suggest that the model used in this study be further modified to account for the expectations and uniqueness of the sports tourism industry. The overall model demonstrated that activity image could generate high expectations for the quality of products and services. When expectation matches perceived value, the sense of participation and perceived value increase accordingly, and satisfaction and loyalty improve.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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